The bike is assembled at the factory, then disassembled for shipping so takes less than an hour to put it back together. Only minor fine tuning needed. No missing parts or defective parts. I am 5 7 tall and the 29 wheels are not a problem as seat height is easily adjusted. This is a very good bike for the money.
After 1/2 hours daily use over past 30 days, no problems.
After fixing a problem based on incorrect assembly, the bike rides great. The shifting is a little clunky at times, but this is an inexpensive bike and you cant expect high/end performance.
This machine is of great quality and price. Assembly IS required, and it may need the wheels straightened after a trip with UPS. Very nice ride, excellent tires and charcoal grey paint, and even sports real front forks. This bike is shipped from the factory and is a real and not a Wally/world bike. Great assembling a bicycle on your own / a virgin out of the box / Not some fiddled around with bike by some pimply/face kid supporting his video game habit. You will not be disappointed, but you must have some mechanical aptitude upon putting it together, and this will save you a lot of money.
Bikes are ridiculously expensive from COVID lockdowns and the worst inflation in 40 years. Most bike shops had no entry level bikes or complete pieces of China Junk. This was the least expensive bike that I could find that was safe enough for my granddaughter to ride. It was easy to assemble and adjust. I have a bike stand so it was extra easy to assemble. It is made in China but good materials and build quality including routing the cables through the frame. It has disc brakes but they are manual not hydraulic. They seem to work fine but are disappointing once you have ridden a bike with hydraulic brakes. The color is good, it came with all of the parts and most importantly, our granddaughter loves it.
High Timber ALX 29 Very Good value
The bike is assembled at the factory, then disassembled for shipping so takes less than an hour to put it back together. Only minor fine tuning needed. No missing parts or defective parts. I am 5 7 tall and the 29 wheels are not a problem as seat height is easily adjusted. This is a very good bike for the money. After 1/2 hours daily use over past 30 days, no problems.
Fine bike for the money
After fixing a problem based on incorrect assembly, the bike rides great. The shifting is a little clunky at times, but this is an inexpensive bike and you cant expect high/end performance.
Wheel broken
Product was damaged when delivered. Returned it for a refund.
Awesome bike, Quality build
This machine is of great quality and price. Assembly IS required, and it may need the wheels straightened after a trip with UPS. Very nice ride, excellent tires and charcoal grey paint, and even sports real front forks. This bike is shipped from the factory and is a real and not a Wally/world bike. Great assembling a bicycle on your own / a virgin out of the box / Not some fiddled around with bike by some pimply/face kid supporting his video game habit. You will not be disappointed, but you must have some mechanical aptitude upon putting it together, and this will save you a lot of money.
Made an excellent college graduation gift!
great bike
Great bike, it works really well. very easy to assemble but the frame is a bit heavy. I had a good experience
i bought a aused one for 200 ,not bad. 400 is too much
the frame is aluminum which is good,but the accessories are so cheap .
wonderful bike and great price
The bike is great particularly the price. It is also cheapet than walmart. Riding is very very nice. I am sure you will enjiy it
Good looking bike with good components
Bikes are ridiculously expensive from COVID lockdowns and the worst inflation in 40 years. Most bike shops had no entry level bikes or complete pieces of China Junk. This was the least expensive bike that I could find that was safe enough for my granddaughter to ride. It was easy to assemble and adjust. I have a bike stand so it was extra easy to assemble. It is made in China but good materials and build quality including routing the cables through the frame. It has disc brakes but they are manual not hydraulic. They seem to work fine but are disappointing once you have ridden a bike with hydraulic brakes. The color is good, it came with all of the parts and most importantly, our granddaughter loves it.
High Timber Mountain Bike, Grey, Medium Pacific Cycle, Inc.
High Timber Mountain Bike, Grey, Medium Pacific Cycle, Inc. was as describedHigh Timber Mountain Bike, Grey, Medium Pacific Cycle, Inc.
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