Despite the fact that is now owned by the Huffy bike company (which does not have the greatest reputation) I can say my first impressions of this bike are good. I will update my review in a years time once my son has put some miles on the bike. But initially, ill give it 5/stars. For the price, I dont think you can find another bike of this quality with front suspension and disc brakes.
Our son looked for months for THE PERFECT BIKE. Found it. Ordered it. Came fast, he was super excited as everything he wanted! But alas things didnt function properly. He was heartbroken, BUT made returning it super easy, fast, free so Im giving THEM 5 stars. My son turns 13 this week. Hes still bummed about no bike! I rarely return stuff. Sure wished this bike would have worked, cause now he cant find anything else he wants. Poor kiddo!
I bike 3 miles to and from work with it 4 times a week, very useful and hasnt had major issues that arent caused by rain or thorns. Little annoying to set up brakes and handlebars though, but I do prefer the disc brakes to the brake pads since they are less difficult to adjust.
The packaging was great and preparation was easy. We are expecting another bike of the same brand soon and hoping to make the most of these bike. Will update the review once we get more use out of the bike.
Very nice women bike
Very nice women bike. Breaks need finetuning not to touch break rotor. Handlebar needs to be tightened really good.
seems to be good quality
Despite the fact that is now owned by the Huffy bike company (which does not have the greatest reputation) I can say my first impressions of this bike are good. I will update my review in a years time once my son has put some miles on the bike. But initially, ill give it 5/stars. For the price, I dont think you can find another bike of this quality with front suspension and disc brakes.
Gotta Give 5 Stars!
Our son looked for months for THE PERFECT BIKE. Found it. Ordered it. Came fast, he was super excited as everything he wanted! But alas things didnt function properly. He was heartbroken, BUT made returning it super easy, fast, free so Im giving THEM 5 stars. My son turns 13 this week. Hes still bummed about no bike! I rarely return stuff. Sure wished this bike would have worked, cause now he cant find anything else he wants. Poor kiddo!
Excellent quality
My son loved the bike, was so happy to get such high quality at the price. Also kickstand was included on the bike which was a nice surprise.
Durable for a daily commute
I bike 3 miles to and from work with it 4 times a week, very useful and hasnt had major issues that arent caused by rain or thorns. Little annoying to set up brakes and handlebars though, but I do prefer the disc brakes to the brake pads since they are less difficult to adjust.
Easy to put together. Nice comfortable bike.
Nice bike
The bike is great, and my son like it very much. Thanks.
Great for the price
The packaging was great and preparation was easy. We are expecting another bike of the same brand soon and hoping to make the most of these bike. Will update the review once we get more use out of the bike.
Great bike!
Bought it for my grandson, he loves it!
Excellent product and shipment was nicely done
The product is worth the price. The item was excellently packaged and shipped. It exceeded my expectations. Great Job, .
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