This machine is of great quality and price. Assembly IS required, and it may need the wheels straightened after a trip with UPS. Very nice ride, excellent tires and charcoal grey paint, and even sports real front forks. This bike is shipped from the factory and is a real and not a Wally/world bike. Great assembling a bicycle on your own / a virgin out of the box / Not some fiddled around with bike by some pimply/face kid supporting his video game habit. You will not be disappointed, but you must have some mechanical aptitude upon putting it together, and this will save you a lot of money.
Awesome bike, Quality build
This machine is of great quality and price. Assembly IS required, and it may need the wheels straightened after a trip with UPS. Very nice ride, excellent tires and charcoal grey paint, and even sports real front forks. This bike is shipped from the factory and is a real and not a Wally/world bike. Great assembling a bicycle on your own / a virgin out of the box / Not some fiddled around with bike by some pimply/face kid supporting his video game habit. You will not be disappointed, but you must have some mechanical aptitude upon putting it together, and this will save you a lot of money.