Bikes are ridiculously expensive from COVID lockdowns and the worst inflation in 40 years. Most bike shops had no entry level bikes or complete pieces of China Junk. This was the least expensive bike that I could find that was safe enough for my granddaughter to ride. It was easy to assemble and adjust. I have a bike stand so it was extra easy to assemble. It is made in China but good materials and build quality including routing the cables through the frame. It has disc brakes but they are manual not hydraulic. They seem to work fine but are disappointing once you have ridden a bike with hydraulic brakes. The color is good, it came with all of the parts and most importantly, our granddaughter loves it.
Good looking bike with good components
Bikes are ridiculously expensive from COVID lockdowns and the worst inflation in 40 years. Most bike shops had no entry level bikes or complete pieces of China Junk. This was the least expensive bike that I could find that was safe enough for my granddaughter to ride. It was easy to assemble and adjust. I have a bike stand so it was extra easy to assemble. It is made in China but good materials and build quality including routing the cables through the frame. It has disc brakes but they are manual not hydraulic. They seem to work fine but are disappointing once you have ridden a bike with hydraulic brakes. The color is good, it came with all of the parts and most importantly, our granddaughter loves it.