The bed is beautiful. The height is perfect for my little ones.
BUT the hardware is soft, thin metal. Stripped out bolts just using the hand tool provided. Just be careful when assembling. There is no extra hardware incase something goes wrong.
This loft was super sturdy as in every slat was screwed in and the ends were bolted as well. Thick wood frame and my boys love this thing. Block out some time because you will need a couple of hours to build it. My only concern is it came damaged. Now, if that is the shippers doing or it left the warehouse like that Who knows. I did put in a request for a replacement piece so I will update when/if that gets in.
My daughter loves this bed for her room which is on the small size.We were hoping to put her storage dresser under to free up space around but now she loves to sleep on the bottom and save the top for sleepovers. We bought the full size. I tried to assemble myself, but definitely needed a friend mostly for because I was getting so frustrated. Not all screws went in flush but we managed to get it to a point where it was very sturdy. We added a few more nails just in case.
Product was overpriced but still wanted it because I thought it would be fun for my son and something I would love as a kid. Upon further inspection and assembly this was obviously made so cheaply its like a slap in the face. The wood was chipped in multiple places and some of the screws were not lining up. Was not sturdy at all after putting together and even after reinforcing, it still seems really unsafe ended up taking it down and reselling to someone else to buy a new bed. Its cute and theory but obviously was overpriced and really bad quality like the other reviews said.
The instructions were easy to follow but you definitely need another person to help you assemble. It took my husband and I 3 hours to put together. The bed is solid wood which I love and super sturdy. I wont be scared of it breaking while my daughter plays/sleeps. She loves her bed! Highly recommended.
I really didnt wanna be a Karen but damnnn the wood is extremely fragile and chips from literally anything, the key used to tighten the screws and the screws themselves have terrible quality both chips and were wasted and I ended up having to use power tools. Biggest headache ever tbh. Its nice tho it looks very nice especially if you dont want anything too tall however the ladder is tiny its for kids.
Pretty BUT a PAIN
The bed is beautiful. The height is perfect for my little ones. BUT the hardware is soft, thin metal. Stripped out bolts just using the hand tool provided. Just be careful when assembling. There is no extra hardware incase something goes wrong.
Very good and sturdy bed. Full bed Carrying me and my husband. BUT didnt come with instructions veryyy hard to put togather took forever
Love it
Bought this for my 2 half year old and she absolutely loves it Im so happy with this buy !
Separate all parts into respective groups 1st ( nuts bolts screws etc.) 4 hours no arguing lol.
I didnt like the open draw underneath the bed. It could be better enclosed. My 6 year old loves it.
Great bed, but small damage
This loft was super sturdy as in every slat was screwed in and the ends were bolted as well. Thick wood frame and my boys love this thing. Block out some time because you will need a couple of hours to build it. My only concern is it came damaged. Now, if that is the shippers doing or it left the warehouse like that Who knows. I did put in a request for a replacement piece so I will update when/if that gets in.
Awesome loft bed but not the easiest to assemble
My daughter loves this bed for her room which is on the small size.We were hoping to put her storage dresser under to free up space around but now she loves to sleep on the bottom and save the top for sleepovers. We bought the full size. I tried to assemble myself, but definitely needed a friend mostly for because I was getting so frustrated. Not all screws went in flush but we managed to get it to a point where it was very sturdy. We added a few more nails just in case.
Wouldnt recommend
Product was overpriced but still wanted it because I thought it would be fun for my son and something I would love as a kid. Upon further inspection and assembly this was obviously made so cheaply its like a slap in the face. The wood was chipped in multiple places and some of the screws were not lining up. Was not sturdy at all after putting together and even after reinforcing, it still seems really unsafe ended up taking it down and reselling to someone else to buy a new bed. Its cute and theory but obviously was overpriced and really bad quality like the other reviews said.
Easy to assemble, good looking great product
Sturdy and well made!
The instructions were easy to follow but you definitely need another person to help you assemble. It took my husband and I 3 hours to put together. The bed is solid wood which I love and super sturdy. I wont be scared of it breaking while my daughter plays/sleeps. She loves her bed! Highly recommended.
Pain in the butt to build but its nice
I really didnt wanna be a Karen but damnnn the wood is extremely fragile and chips from literally anything, the key used to tighten the screws and the screws themselves have terrible quality both chips and were wasted and I ended up having to use power tools. Biggest headache ever tbh. Its nice tho it looks very nice especially if you dont want anything too tall however the ladder is tiny its for kids.
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