Product was overpriced but still wanted it because I thought it would be fun for my son and something I would love as a kid. Upon further inspection and assembly this was obviously made so cheaply its like a slap in the face. The wood was chipped in multiple places and some of the screws were not lining up. Was not sturdy at all after putting together and even after reinforcing, it still seems really unsafe ended up taking it down and reselling to someone else to buy a new bed. Its cute and theory but obviously was overpriced and really bad quality like the other reviews said.
Wouldnt recommend
Product was overpriced but still wanted it because I thought it would be fun for my son and something I would love as a kid. Upon further inspection and assembly this was obviously made so cheaply its like a slap in the face. The wood was chipped in multiple places and some of the screws were not lining up. Was not sturdy at all after putting together and even after reinforcing, it still seems really unsafe ended up taking it down and reselling to someone else to buy a new bed. Its cute and theory but obviously was overpriced and really bad quality like the other reviews said.