The assembly was the typical follow instructions and youll have a finished product. This bed is EVERYTHING! The underbed storage is perfect. Plus its the perfect size for 3 year old.
I bought this for my granddaughter who is 3 1/2 yrs old. She absolutely loves it! It is very sturdy and holds me too. She has made the house underneath where her baby dolls and stuffed animals live.
Absolutely a great bed for the kids! My 3 year old loves it! And his cousins cant wait to come over to play in his room with him! Its very sturdy as well, sometimes i get up in it and fall asleep with him.
My toddler needed a twin size bed. He had outgrown his toddler bed. He wanted a playhouse. I found this bed and after reading some reviews, I was skeptical. Many folks had complained about the material. I am happy to say that I have zero issues and a very happy boy! The bed was a bear to assemble but I did it. It took about three hours. I needed help a few times for balancing pieces before attaching them. The drawer/shelf/ladder are all great quality. I highly recommend this bed and I am very happy with my purchase.
Took me 3 days to get together solo, but it is super sturdy! Also love the low loft bed, its great for toddlers who you dont want too high off the ground!
I am in love!
The assembly was the typical follow instructions and youll have a finished product. This bed is EVERYTHING! The underbed storage is perfect. Plus its the perfect size for 3 year old.
Fun for the kids
My son loves this bed. A total migraine putting it together but nonetheless its aming!
Cute bed
Its super cute. Was easy to put together !
Love this bed!
Great quality and easy to assemble. My husband assembled by himself.
Aming bed!!
Easy to put together and sturdy!! Great bed!!
Great bed, but the curtain didnt come with the order
I ordered this bed and it says it comes with the but i never received the
A Beautiful and Practical Bed
I bought this for my granddaughter who is 3 1/2 yrs old. She absolutely loves it! It is very sturdy and holds me too. She has made the house underneath where her baby dolls and stuffed animals live.
3 yr old loves this!
Absolutely a great bed for the kids! My 3 year old loves it! And his cousins cant wait to come over to play in his room with him! Its very sturdy as well, sometimes i get up in it and fall asleep with him.
It has a hideout!!!!
My toddler needed a twin size bed. He had outgrown his toddler bed. He wanted a playhouse. I found this bed and after reading some reviews, I was skeptical. Many folks had complained about the material. I am happy to say that I have zero issues and a very happy boy! The bed was a bear to assemble but I did it. It took about three hours. I needed help a few times for balancing pieces before attaching them. The drawer/shelf/ladder are all great quality. I highly recommend this bed and I am very happy with my purchase.
A beast to put together but doable
Took me 3 days to get together solo, but it is super sturdy! Also love the low loft bed, its great for toddlers who you dont want too high off the ground!
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