My daughter loves this bed for her room which is on the small size.We were hoping to put her storage dresser under to free up space around but now she loves to sleep on the bottom and save the top for sleepovers. We bought the full size. I tried to assemble myself, but definitely needed a friend mostly for because I was getting so frustrated. Not all screws went in flush but we managed to get it to a point where it was very sturdy. We added a few more nails just in case.
Awesome loft bed but not the easiest to assemble
My daughter loves this bed for her room which is on the small size.We were hoping to put her storage dresser under to free up space around but now she loves to sleep on the bottom and save the top for sleepovers. We bought the full size. I tried to assemble myself, but definitely needed a friend mostly for because I was getting so frustrated. Not all screws went in flush but we managed to get it to a point where it was very sturdy. We added a few more nails just in case.