This is a compact bunk bed and its perfect for my young kids. I love that the lower bunk is so low. We did have some trouble with some assembly but figured it out!
Putting the base slacks on the top and bottom bed was a pain. You need a rubber mallet or hammer to keep the poles in places just to get them attached. Its very time consuming and need at least 2/3 people to help Hold the bars in place while putting them in the holes. Once that piece is put together, its not as bad. Also, the screw bags werent labeled well, if at all, and we had to redo screws several times. The ladder and slide were super easy to put together and attach. I was also grateful that the top bunk was not as high as the picture seems. The bottom is super low and touches the ground. Nice bunk for toddlers.
I have a 3 1/2 year old and 2 year old. This bed is perfect for them! They were so excited to get to share a room and have a bunk bed. Its the perfect height for their age.
This bunk bed is so pretty sturdy. My 5 year old absolutely loves it. Instructions get a little confusing when building the stairs but once it was completed, it was worth it.
I Just moves my new house last week ,and bought this new bunk bed , Im really happy with my new bunk beds.and, more importantly, so are my kids. The childrens favorite is the slide, and my two sons have a lot of fun for that .The materials and craftsmanship are top notch, and the assembly was pretty easy. Altogether a really great product.
Sturdy and darling
Love it so much!
Good purchase!
This is a compact bunk bed and its perfect for my young kids. I love that the lower bunk is so low. We did have some trouble with some assembly but figured it out!
An awesome set of bunk beds!
It is not hard to put together at all. Looks nice and my kids love it!
Not super easy to put together
Putting the base slacks on the top and bottom bed was a pain. You need a rubber mallet or hammer to keep the poles in places just to get them attached. Its very time consuming and need at least 2/3 people to help Hold the bars in place while putting them in the holes. Once that piece is put together, its not as bad. Also, the screw bags werent labeled well, if at all, and we had to redo screws several times. The ladder and slide were super easy to put together and attach. I was also grateful that the top bunk was not as high as the picture seems. The bottom is super low and touches the ground. Nice bunk for toddlers.
Low and looks really nice
This bunk bed is perfect not high at all and it looks really nice I love it
Great value
Easy to put together and perfect for my girls with special needs being directly on the floor
Love this bed for my toddlers
I have a 3 1/2 year old and 2 year old. This bed is perfect for them! They were so excited to get to share a room and have a bunk bed. Its the perfect height for their age.
Love it
This bunk bed is so pretty sturdy. My 5 year old absolutely loves it. Instructions get a little confusing when building the stairs but once it was completed, it was worth it.
Very simple easy to build up!!
I Just moves my new house last week ,and bought this new bunk bed , Im really happy with my new bunk beds.and, more importantly, so are my kids. The childrens favorite is the slide, and my two sons have a lot of fun for that .The materials and craftsmanship are top notch, and the assembly was pretty easy. Altogether a really great product.
Its nice and easy to assemble. Shipped before the time. The good thing about it is, the slides. until my kid grows old, he can use it.
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