We have 7 kids and lots of cousins. This bed is awesome. The slide is long and fast. Even tweens can slide down it. Very sturdy bed. Easy to assemble. LOVE it! Highly recommend!
It was easy to put together the only struggle was keeping the piece together in the frameafter figuring out to push it hard together we managed it no men didnt for that job
My daughters love this bed! They are having so much fun with it. I shopped around for a bunk with a slide for months. And this one is by far the best value.
I was worried about how sturdy it would since I hadnt seen it in person before buying. I was very happily surprised to see it is very sturdy. The screws are super long and I am comfortable leaving my infant on the bottom bunk with my toddler on top.
We purchased this because our toddler refused to sleep on her toddler bed so we figured if we purchased her a big bed she may finally leave our room and it worked!! I assembled most of it by myself and Im terrible at assembling things. Very easy to put together. It took me about 3hrs with very little help. Its sturdy enough but not like actual wood bedrooms. For the price though, it gets the job done.
The product looks great!we had a slight hiccup with one side of the headboard but the customer service team was great with their response and getting us the parts we need. I highly recommend.
Very nice product!! My daughter loves it!
Very nice product!! My daughter loves it!
Great Bed
We have 7 kids and lots of cousins. This bed is awesome. The slide is long and fast. Even tweens can slide down it. Very sturdy bed. Easy to assemble. LOVE it! Highly recommend!
Fun Kid Bunkbed
It was easy to put together the only struggle was keeping the piece together in the frameafter figuring out to push it hard together we managed it no men didnt for that job
Great value
My daughters love this bed! They are having so much fun with it. I shopped around for a bunk with a slide for months. And this one is by far the best value.
Love it
My girls and I are obsessed! This bed is great for toddlers and its really not high, its just right.
Happy with it
I was worried about how sturdy it would since I hadnt seen it in person before buying. I was very happily surprised to see it is very sturdy. The screws are super long and I am comfortable leaving my infant on the bottom bunk with my toddler on top.
Love it
We purchased this because our toddler refused to sleep on her toddler bed so we figured if we purchased her a big bed she may finally leave our room and it worked!! I assembled most of it by myself and Im terrible at assembling things. Very easy to put together. It took me about 3hrs with very little help. Its sturdy enough but not like actual wood bedrooms. For the price though, it gets the job done.
Worth it!
The product looks great!we had a slight hiccup with one side of the headboard but the customer service team was great with their response and getting us the parts we need. I highly recommend.
Great slide bunk bed !
My son loves this bed! Slide is very sturdy. I added a bed rail for extra security on the top bunk.
Excellent, Stylish and safe
Very stylish and easy to assemble. We really like the railing on the stairs and color
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