Good buy overall. It is exactly as pictured. I do not like!!how some of the pieces are not very sturdy. When my child gets on the top bunk and lays down, it moves more than I would expect for a small child. Some of the pieces are a bit thin as well.
Product is easy to put together. It takes a bit of time if you are working by yourself, and you will need someone to help you hold pieces or lift the top onto the bottom at some point. Bunk bed is sturdy when it gets put together. Our daughters are little right now so its plenty sturdy for them. You could easily add another cross piece or plywood for more support as they get older if need be. My wife and daughter were both on the top bunk and it held them easily. They recommend a 6 inch mattress in the top. We currently have an 8 inch mattress at the top. The guardrail might offer a little more protection with the 6 inch mattress if you are worried about that. But it still blocks the kids from rolling out even with an 8 inch mattress.
Two pieces were cracked in shipping. Looks like!!the box got damaged, and so two pieces on the top were split. I communicated with the company and they quickly settled with a partial refund, and I fixed the splits myself. This is what I asked for. They would have refunded the full amount for a return, but we wanted to keep the bunk bed since its difficult to find a full over full bunkbed. They responded quickly via email and agreed. Excellent!
It took 2 adults (1 with an engineering degree) several hours to get this thing assembled. The instructions arent very clear and the holes are not drilled in the proper places for some of the parts. That issue was the most frustrating and is why the stair rail is missing a screw. We were just tired of drilling new holes when this is something that should have happened in the factory. Also, I stepped on one of the steps to make the bed and it CRACKED. I weigh 150, so this should NOT have happened.
A lot of work but worth it
Takes a while to put it together, but once done, its nice...Having Full Size beds in lieu of a twin size is nice
Great beds!
great product ! beds for our grandchildren! Sturdy, particularly like!!the wide stairs vs the ladder. Would highly recommend.
Good buy, not quite as sturdy as expected
Good buy overall. It is exactly as pictured. I do not like!!how some of the pieces are not very sturdy. When my child gets on the top bunk and lays down, it moves more than I would expect for a small child. Some of the pieces are a bit thin as well.
100% recommend!
I love!!this bed!!! Its very good quality, sturdy and easy to assemble.
Great buy!!!
Awesome product! The kids love!!it!!! Highly recommended.
Beautiful quality!!
I was not necesarily expecting a bunk bed to be so nicely built, lol If you are looking at this style bunkbed... this one will make you happy!!!
Good customer Service. Good product for the price point
Product is easy to put together. It takes a bit of time if you are working by yourself, and you will need someone to help you hold pieces or lift the top onto the bottom at some point. Bunk bed is sturdy when it gets put together. Our daughters are little right now so its plenty sturdy for them. You could easily add another cross piece or plywood for more support as they get older if need be. My wife and daughter were both on the top bunk and it held them easily. They recommend a 6 inch mattress in the top. We currently have an 8 inch mattress at the top. The guardrail might offer a little more protection with the 6 inch mattress if you are worried about that. But it still blocks the kids from rolling out even with an 8 inch mattress. Two pieces were cracked in shipping. Looks like!!the box got damaged, and so two pieces on the top were split. I communicated with the company and they quickly settled with a partial refund, and I fixed the splits myself. This is what I asked for. They would have refunded the full amount for a return, but we wanted to keep the bunk bed since its difficult to find a full over full bunkbed. They responded quickly via email and agreed. Excellent!
Good Quality! Lots of Room!
My kid loves it, big enough for me to sleep in as well
Cracked stairs and incorrectly drilled holes.
It took 2 adults (1 with an engineering degree) several hours to get this thing assembled. The instructions arent very clear and the holes are not drilled in the proper places for some of the parts. That issue was the most frustrating and is why the stair rail is missing a screw. We were just tired of drilling new holes when this is something that should have happened in the factory. Also, I stepped on one of the steps to make the bed and it CRACKED. I weigh 150, so this should NOT have happened.
great product ! product
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