This was relatively easy to assemble. It does take two people. It is sturdy, though it wiggles a little, which seems scary at first. It gave a rather small room so much usable space and looks amazing.
Its perfect its vibrant we love the color this is in our living room we use the top as a day bed just beautiful. We made our own holes for the ladder to be placed on the left.
This was so easy to assemble. My 9 yr old and I put it together. She loves it. Definitely a value for our money. Very sturdy....hurts to climb the ladder thats the only thing we didnt anticipate. But great buy.
This bed takes a couple hours to put together. It is fairly ease to make but a little rickety. The ladder rungs are really thin and hurt your feet when going up or down to the top bunk.
Good bed. Built by myself in about 3 hours. If you have someone to help you itll make it a lot easier. Space underneath is great. Real space saver. Im a 57 adult and this is perfect for me.
Great Study and cheap
Easy to put together it is very sturdy not made with cheap materials I got a bang for my bucks
Great way to maximize space while looking stylish
This was relatively easy to assemble. It does take two people. It is sturdy, though it wiggles a little, which seems scary at first. It gave a rather small room so much usable space and looks amazing.
Perfect and sturdy!
Its perfect its vibrant we love the color this is in our living room we use the top as a day bed just beautiful. We made our own holes for the ladder to be placed on the left.
Best bunk bed for value and time.
This bed is perfect for teens! It holds weight well and isnt creaky. I am so happy I went with this choice when shopping around.
My kids love their new bed! Its sturdy its an even greater buy for the price!
Not sturdy enough for... extracurricular activities
This was so easy to assemble. My 9 yr old and I put it together. She loves it. Definitely a value for our money. Very sturdy....hurts to climb the ladder thats the only thing we didnt anticipate. But great buy.
Rough on the feet
This bed takes a couple hours to put together. It is fairly ease to make but a little rickety. The ladder rungs are really thin and hurt your feet when going up or down to the top bunk.
Kids love them
Good bed.
Good bed. Built by myself in about 3 hours. If you have someone to help you itll make it a lot easier. Space underneath is great. Real space saver. Im a 57 adult and this is perfect for me.
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