Cute. Easy to assemble. But overall its not sturdy or durable. This chair will not last you a long time. Within a few months it started getting wobbly then the legs started moving with the chair occasionally collapsing once weight was applied. Not worth the money honestly
The futon was so easy to put together! All we had to do was unfold the futon and put on the legs and arm rest. It only took 30 minutes and its so cute!!! Definitely worth it, I love it so much
I got this for my office ! Bigger than I originally expected but pleasantly surprised. I assembled it by myself perfectly fine, but two people would probably be best if youre not quite the assembly expert. So far I Love it !!! Super soft and comfy. Would recommend.
Initially it looks great and got lot of compliments but with in 2-3 weeks of use the cloth on it is no more stiff and it is sagging. Wear on it is very noticeable. Not sure how many it will last but in the first month itself it is turning to look bad
It arrived earlier than expected. The instructions made it simple to put together in about 20 min by myself. It doesnt have much cushion but adding pillows helps with that. The futon really did wonders for space and the aesthetic of my room.
The smell of this futon is horrible! It needs a couple of weeks to air out (I sprayed just a bit of air freshener) it still smells in one end. Easy to assemble with some help. Its a beautiful piece -which is why I kept it, and had a guest who slept on it over the holidays. Not the comfiest but it helped.
We got this couch over Thanksgiving and its already broken. One back section is broken and will not hold any weight on it. I would not buy again as we put it through light, normal use and it is already broken. Buyer beware.
Sofa is very nice but somewhat hard to sleep on when open as a bed. Also it can tilt to the floor if you put all the weight on one side. You have to place something under it.
Dont pay over $400
Good couch for under $400. Just watch the prices. Shipping was annoying, got reschedule 3 times.
Its okay
Cute. Easy to assemble. But overall its not sturdy or durable. This chair will not last you a long time. Within a few months it started getting wobbly then the legs started moving with the chair occasionally collapsing once weight was applied. Not worth the money honestly
The futon was so easy to put together! All we had to do was unfold the futon and put on the legs and arm rest. It only took 30 minutes and its so cute!!! Definitely worth it, I love it so much
Love it !
I got this for my office ! Bigger than I originally expected but pleasantly surprised. I assembled it by myself perfectly fine, but two people would probably be best if youre not quite the assembly expert. So far I Love it !!! Super soft and comfy. Would recommend.
Looks great but..
Initially it looks great and got lot of compliments but with in 2-3 weeks of use the cloth on it is no more stiff and it is sagging. Wear on it is very noticeable. Not sure how many it will last but in the first month itself it is turning to look bad
Im glad I purchased
It arrived earlier than expected. The instructions made it simple to put together in about 20 min by myself. It doesnt have much cushion but adding pillows helps with that. The futon really did wonders for space and the aesthetic of my room.
Great for the money
The smell of this futon is horrible! It needs a couple of weeks to air out (I sprayed just a bit of air freshener) it still smells in one end. Easy to assemble with some help. Its a beautiful piece -which is why I kept it, and had a guest who slept on it over the holidays. Not the comfiest but it helped.
Cheap construction didnt even last 2 months
We got this couch over Thanksgiving and its already broken. One back section is broken and will not hold any weight on it. I would not buy again as we put it through light, normal use and it is already broken. Buyer beware.
The sofa is very nice
Sofa is very nice but somewhat hard to sleep on when open as a bed. Also it can tilt to the floor if you put all the weight on one side. You have to place something under it.
The seat is very very comfortable for someone who works from home at the desk all day
very very comfy chair, going to order another for living room now
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