This bed is very good quality and a great price! I found it to be sturdy, but to be extra safe my husband used L brackets to secure it to the wall. look great reliable.
These were easy to assemble, an extra set of hands helps. Pat attention to the letters on the end of the boards. In some cases they look the same but are not. OOPS. the quality is aming very sturdy, the finish is great. My daughter love it but more importantly my Grand Daughter is thrilled. Now my Grand Son wants one in black. PAPAW hits a HOMERUN!! I will be ordering another one for him very shortly ! Very reasonable too!!
First, no instructions included. When I followed the URL link that the seller provided, the instruction did not quite exactly match the product! The majority of pieces were not labeled. Of the parts that were labeled, the majority were mislabeled. The seller finally sent a replacement set of nuts and bolts since the provided package was short.
But. once finally figured out and put together, the bed is as nice as any of these crate furniture products. However, I do wonder a bit more since it is holding my child rather high off the ground. I was tempted to rate lower, but I guess at this price, comparing to the big Swedish box store stuff, it earns a 4 if Im in a holiday generous mood. great for guests
This bed is exactly what I wanted when I envisioned a loft bed for my room. Before buying this loft bed, it took what seemingly felt forever to find a loft that was high enough to fit a desk underneath, but not too high that it would have too little headspace. The measurements on this loft bed are perfect. The sleeping space is more spacious than I had initially expected, so thats a plus. The loft bed is surprisingly sturdy, but this is because it was anchored to the wall (if youre unable to anchor to the wall, Id assume it would still be a little sturdy). The only thing that sparked a little worry in me were the slats (the wooden planks that hold the mattress and myself), the slats seemed to bend more than I would like when I was testing it out on my brother (hes about 120), but it was because he was staying in one area. If I was lying down and distributing my weight, it wouldnt bend as much.
I definitely recommend wood over because of the sturdiness of the material. Also wooden step ladders are much more comfortable than ones.
I put a 5 in mattress on it (but it never seemed to really fully inflate so its really like 4 in), and there is still a good amount of space for the guard railing, so you could possibly put a 6 in mattress on here.
Thats basically it in terms of the product itself, the only downside I have with loft beds in general is the fact that I have to climb down it half asleep in the morning (so thats a factor that you should consider). comfortable and stylish product.
I was nervous about buying this bed but Im so glad we did! My 9yr old loves it and it frees up so much floor space in her room! It was pretty easy to assemble and really good quality. I was surprised how nice it was once put together! I usually go off reviews and I investigate like cry. I definitely suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) because I want to find the best value and deal for my money. This was a winner! My child only weighs about 60lbs and it is a slight wobbly when she climbs it but nothing that worries me for her safety. We have it against 2 walls in a corner. You could probably affix it to a wall of it was too wiggly but for us for now its fine. Would recommend and buy again
Great buy
This bed is very good quality and a great price! I found it to be sturdy, but to be extra safe my husband used L brackets to secure it to the wall. look great reliable.
Qualiy is great
These were easy to assemble, an extra set of hands helps. Pat attention to the letters on the end of the boards. In some cases they look the same but are not. OOPS. the quality is aming very sturdy, the finish is great. My daughter love it but more importantly my Grand Daughter is thrilled. Now my Grand Son wants one in black. PAPAW hits a HOMERUN!! I will be ordering another one for him very shortly ! Very reasonable too!!
Great purchase
Great for the price. My daughter loves it. So much extra space in her room! Easy to assemble too. The price is reasonable though.
Nice product!
Easy to assemble. No wobbling. Seems sturdy its very nice and I love the color. Worth it
Instructions oy! But reasonably nice bed
First, no instructions included. When I followed the URL link that the seller provided, the instruction did not quite exactly match the product! The majority of pieces were not labeled. Of the parts that were labeled, the majority were mislabeled. The seller finally sent a replacement set of nuts and bolts since the provided package was short. But. once finally figured out and put together, the bed is as nice as any of these crate furniture products. However, I do wonder a bit more since it is holding my child rather high off the ground. I was tempted to rate lower, but I guess at this price, comparing to the big Swedish box store stuff, it earns a 4 if Im in a holiday generous mood. great for guests
It feels like Im in a college dorm
This bed is exactly what I wanted when I envisioned a loft bed for my room. Before buying this loft bed, it took what seemingly felt forever to find a loft that was high enough to fit a desk underneath, but not too high that it would have too little headspace. The measurements on this loft bed are perfect. The sleeping space is more spacious than I had initially expected, so thats a plus. The loft bed is surprisingly sturdy, but this is because it was anchored to the wall (if youre unable to anchor to the wall, Id assume it would still be a little sturdy). The only thing that sparked a little worry in me were the slats (the wooden planks that hold the mattress and myself), the slats seemed to bend more than I would like when I was testing it out on my brother (hes about 120), but it was because he was staying in one area. If I was lying down and distributing my weight, it wouldnt bend as much. I definitely recommend wood over because of the sturdiness of the material. Also wooden step ladders are much more comfortable than ones. I put a 5 in mattress on it (but it never seemed to really fully inflate so its really like 4 in), and there is still a good amount of space for the guard railing, so you could possibly put a 6 in mattress on here. Thats basically it in terms of the product itself, the only downside I have with loft beds in general is the fact that I have to climb down it half asleep in the morning (so thats a factor that you should consider). comfortable and stylish product.
Very sturdy!
Took a little bit to assemble but it is very sturdy! My 11 year old daughter loves it! Seems sturdy enough
Really nice lofted bed
It is pretty easy to put together and looks great. We feel our child is really safe sleeping in this lofted bed. its worth it to me!
Awesome deal!
I was nervous about buying this bed but Im so glad we did! My 9yr old loves it and it frees up so much floor space in her room! It was pretty easy to assemble and really good quality. I was surprised how nice it was once put together! I usually go off reviews and I investigate like cry. I definitely suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) because I want to find the best value and deal for my money. This was a winner! My child only weighs about 60lbs and it is a slight wobbly when she climbs it but nothing that worries me for her safety. We have it against 2 walls in a corner. You could probably affix it to a wall of it was too wiggly but for us for now its fine. Would recommend and buy again
Great for Storage
Great bed! And lots of storage underneath so it makes the room feel bigger. Its okay
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