These were easy to assemble, an extra set of hands helps. Pat attention to the letters on the end of the boards. In some cases they look the same but are not. OOPS. the quality is aming very sturdy, the finish is great. My daughter love it but more importantly my Grand Daughter is thrilled. Now my Grand Son wants one in black. PAPAW hits a HOMERUN!! I will be ordering another one for him very shortly ! Very reasonable too!!
Qualiy is great
These were easy to assemble, an extra set of hands helps. Pat attention to the letters on the end of the boards. In some cases they look the same but are not. OOPS. the quality is aming very sturdy, the finish is great. My daughter love it but more importantly my Grand Daughter is thrilled. Now my Grand Son wants one in black. PAPAW hits a HOMERUN!! I will be ordering another one for him very shortly ! Very reasonable too!!