We purchased this bed frame after struggling with the lack of sturdiness of my daughter’s previous frame. She is 11, and was able to put this frame together completely by herself. Its super sturdy and cute as can be. I wouldn’t say it is just for children it is good for all ages.
I got the bed frame about a month and a half ago and it’s been doing well but I started to notice that the metal bars that run across as extra supports to hold the mattress have started to bend. But other than that it has been good it was easy to assemble and has been very sturdy.
I bought two beds for my daughters and they love them and the texture on the metal is nice. The only issue I had was the foot board part . Had a dent and black scuffs on it but already got half the bed together. So we will deal with it . But good bed
I think this is a great twin bed frame. It was very easy to assemble and once put together - I was able to determine that this is of good quality (sturdy and strong). I know this will last a long time.
I would recommend this item because it’s a quality product and good value for the price.
This bed frame looks exactly like the pics on . It is pretty easy to assemble. Got together in about 15-20 minutes. My only issue would be that the bars aka slats should be pushed down into grooves or a smaller space so that they dont pop out so easily. Would recommend.
I really like my sons new bed. I slept in it for about 2 weeks while hes away for college and it is sturdy. The headboard isnt all the hight but thats ok. The assembly took some time for me to complete but it was worth it because when he comes home for Christmas he will have a nice bed.
Easy to assembly, no extra tools necessary
It was easy to assembly, It looks very nice
Love it
Nice and sturdy
We really like it
Great bed for our daughter
We purchased this bed frame after struggling with the lack of sturdiness of my daughter’s previous frame. She is 11, and was able to put this frame together completely by herself. Its super sturdy and cute as can be. I wouldn’t say it is just for children it is good for all ages.
Good frame cheap supporting rods
I got the bed frame about a month and a half ago and it’s been doing well but I started to notice that the metal bars that run across as extra supports to hold the mattress have started to bend. But other than that it has been good it was easy to assemble and has been very sturdy.
Nice bed
I bought two beds for my daughters and they love them and the texture on the metal is nice. The only issue I had was the foot board part . Had a dent and black scuffs on it but already got half the bed together. So we will deal with it . But good bed
Perfect bed frame
I think this is a great twin bed frame. It was very easy to assemble and once put together - I was able to determine that this is of good quality (sturdy and strong). I know this will last a long time. I would recommend this item because it’s a quality product and good value for the price.
This bed frame looks exactly like the pics on . It is pretty easy to assemble. Got together in about 15-20 minutes. My only issue would be that the bars aka slats should be pushed down into grooves or a smaller space so that they dont pop out so easily. Would recommend.
Its a great well built and easy to assemble frame
This is a great bed frame I recommend buying it if your looking for a well made bed frame 1
Nice bed
I really like my sons new bed. I slept in it for about 2 weeks while hes away for college and it is sturdy. The headboard isnt all the hight but thats ok. The assembly took some time for me to complete but it was worth it because when he comes home for Christmas he will have a nice bed.
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