Basic sturdy bed. I got the brown one and it is flat (not glossy) brown. Nothing fancy but metal and strong. Lots of pieces to put together. Took me about an hour and a half to assemble.
Arrived within 4-5 days of purchase. Instructions manual was fairly easy to follow along, I did the set up in 3 chunks throughout the workday, 2 hours at a time. Just ensure your mattress sizes up with the bed frame. My mattress turned out to be a few inches smaller than the bed frame total area but besides that this was a good but for my small nyc room.
Perfect for a cheap bed platform with head and foot. Good cross support braces. Drawback is the tools to assemble it are a little small and hurt your hands unless you have something else to use, I wrapped a washcloth around the Allen wrench. It did take me three hours to assemble though. At first I thought it was going to be really fast but because of that little wrench it slowed me down but it was just one person and I move a little slower these days
Got this bed for an extra holiday guest. Not something I would buy permanent for a kid, I don’t feel it is strong enough for a daily use. It took longer than expected to assemble it. I didn’t expect it to come in so many little pieces.
Once put together this is a fine bed frame. Not so easy to put together though. It took quite a few trial and error but we did get it done. Very sturdy and much room to store things.
Beautiful and Sturdy! The best bed frame i have ever got and fits the mattress well! Got it four weeks ago and its working nicely. Definitely recommend!
It took my husband and me about 2 hours to put this frame together, mostly because we kept dropping screws due to some awkward drilled holes for them. Once assembled the frame is extremely sturdy. The instructions recommended tightening the screws with an electric drill but we passed on that because a drill was not going to fit some of the screw locations.
Basic sturdy bed.
Basic sturdy bed. I got the brown one and it is flat (not glossy) brown. Nothing fancy but metal and strong. Lots of pieces to put together. Took me about an hour and a half to assemble.
Fairly easy to assemble, sturdy bed frame - good buy.
Arrived within 4-5 days of purchase. Instructions manual was fairly easy to follow along, I did the set up in 3 chunks throughout the workday, 2 hours at a time. Just ensure your mattress sizes up with the bed frame. My mattress turned out to be a few inches smaller than the bed frame total area but besides that this was a good but for my small nyc room.
Easy set up
Set up in no time. My son loves it!
Nice for the price and strong.
Perfect for a cheap bed platform with head and foot. Good cross support braces. Drawback is the tools to assemble it are a little small and hurt your hands unless you have something else to use, I wrapped a washcloth around the Allen wrench. It did take me three hours to assemble though. At first I thought it was going to be really fast but because of that little wrench it slowed me down but it was just one person and I move a little slower these days
I thought I would have received at least 1/3 of a bed build
Got this bed for an extra holiday guest. Not something I would buy permanent for a kid, I don’t feel it is strong enough for a daily use. It took longer than expected to assemble it. I didn’t expect it to come in so many little pieces.
Sturdy as Sturdy can get
Once put together this is a fine bed frame. Not so easy to put together though. It took quite a few trial and error but we did get it done. Very sturdy and much room to store things.
The Best Bed Frame I Have Ever GET!
Beautiful and Sturdy! The best bed frame i have ever got and fits the mattress well! Got it four weeks ago and its working nicely. Definitely recommend!
Very sturdy!
It took my husband and me about 2 hours to put this frame together, mostly because we kept dropping screws due to some awkward drilled holes for them. Once assembled the frame is extremely sturdy. The instructions recommended tightening the screws with an electric drill but we passed on that because a drill was not going to fit some of the screw locations.
Full size bed frame
My daughter loves it. Put it together myself and it was fairly simple.
Very well made
This is very heavy and sturdy. Looks very pretty and it was easy to put together. I recommend it highly.
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