Bought this for our 5 year old and 18 month old daughters and its perfect! Easy assembly (just takes some time with all the little pieces) and very sturdy.
Works perfect! I went over the bed to look for flaws (other reviews) and I didnt see anything for my husband to fix. We have had it for several months and its a great buy! I am buying another one for our other daughter!
This bed is great, its compact for a bunk bed which I wanted. It does take a little while to put to put together and the directions could have been clearer, but everything was labeled great. Great product, especially for the price.
I bought this for my sons room and to have an extra bed for when family is over. It is very durable and the perfect size. My son loves it and will actually sleep in his own room.... from time to time :)
Assembly sucked lol. But its great. My son loves it. And its pretty sturdy. Exactly what we wanted
I bought this for my 14 yr old. It is a light weight bed but surprisingly sturdy.
Love it
Great bunk bed for my 20 and 16 yr old boys easy to assemble
Great bed!
Bought this for our 5 year old and 18 month old daughters and its perfect! Easy assembly (just takes some time with all the little pieces) and very sturdy.
Good deal
Just like advertised. Doesnt take long to assemble. Solid and priced correctly.
Great Buy!
Works perfect! I went over the bed to look for flaws (other reviews) and I didnt see anything for my husband to fix. We have had it for several months and its a great buy! I am buying another one for our other daughter!
Great Bed
This bed is great, its compact for a bunk bed which I wanted. It does take a little while to put to put together and the directions could have been clearer, but everything was labeled great. Great product, especially for the price.
I bought this for my sons room and to have an extra bed for when family is over. It is very durable and the perfect size. My son loves it and will actually sleep in his own room.... from time to time :)
very sturdy
had up for a while now. unlike the wooden bunks, its a lot harder for the kids to carve into. still looks like new a year later.
Easy to put together
I loved these bunk beds my girls where so happy
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