HAPPY!! Purchased for a 4 year old and he loves it. Creates more space in his room for toys and eliminates clutter, so I love it too. A bit difficult to put together, but it comes with all the parts needed. Sturdy enough for 4 year old to grow into and stay in as he gets bigger, so thats a big plus.
I would buy again! This is the most sturdy bed ever! Everything is great real good support, great underneathe height. Now the ladder is small bars it hurts, I cut pool noodles and wrapped in dinosaur duck tape(theme of his room)
Go for it! My 13 year old son really loves his bed. He was so excited when it was delivered. While i was at work he put it all together by himself. I was shocked and impressed. With that being said ,i love this bed as well. So now his company dont have to sit on his bed while playing video games.
Sturdy and functional
HAPPY!! Purchased for a 4 year old and he loves it. Creates more space in his room for toys and eliminates clutter, so I love it too. A bit difficult to put together, but it comes with all the parts needed. Sturdy enough for 4 year old to grow into and stay in as he gets bigger, so thats a big plus.
Very solid beds. The kids climb all over these
Good price. Very solid beds. The kids climb all over these and they dont move around. We have had adults sleep in the lower bunk.
Good for college students
good buy! This will hold up a college student without any problems. Im not giving it 5 starts because It makes noise when you move
This thing is built like a tank
It is ok. This thing is built like a tank. It costed more than others, but for the additional strength, worth it.
Best bed ever!
I would buy again! This is the most sturdy bed ever! Everything is great real good support, great underneathe height. Now the ladder is small bars it hurts, I cut pool noodles and wrapped in dinosaur duck tape(theme of his room)
put together but everything did fit and screw in nicely great product our 6 year old loves
Nice size. Time consuming to put together but everything did fit and screw in nicely great product our 6 year old loves it
Five Stars
Overpriced a bit. perfect for grandmas house
i love this bed as well
Go for it! My 13 year old son really loves his bed. He was so excited when it was delivered. While i was at work he put it all together by himself. I was shocked and impressed. With that being said ,i love this bed as well. So now his company dont have to sit on his bed while playing video games.
Be sure to brace it
Enough strength. A little wobbly
Kid Loves It.
Easy to fix. Bought this for our 12 yr old. He loves the desk area and that he has his own bed.
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