Overall, I love the table. It's a nice size for my dining area. Assembly was a nightmare. It took hours to put this set together. One hole on the table leg was too big for the screw. So we had to find a slightly bigger screw to replace it. The material on the seats kept getting caught while trying to screw the seat on the chair. Other than the assembly I am satisfied with the set.
The table top was damaged when the box was opened. It would look fine if not for the damaged top. Some of the metal pieces needed to be forced on the chairs due to bend/warp in shipping but feel those can be taken care of during assemble. Distributor has been great trying to get a replacement. Hoping it comes soon.
this table is nice and easy to assemble. Its the perfect size for a small apartment. It was slightly damaged when it arrived tho but that was an easy fix and good enough to work around.
We recently sold our house and moved to an apartment. This table and chairs are great addition to our home. I read in reviews that chairs were 'meh..' but table is nice. These chairs are definitely better than previous dining chairs we had.
Very happy with my purchase.
This table takes up even less room than expected but still provides ample surface area for use and storage. For the most part, assembly was incredibly easy, the table moreso than the chairs. When assembling the chairs, be sure to have an extended drill bit as there are not predrilled holes in the cushion to attach it to the chair frame. As mentioned by another reviewer, one of the chair legs appears shorter than the others because of the predrilled holes being a bit higher on one of the chair frames. It causes the chair to rock back and forth but so far its still proven sturdy.
This dining room set..
This dining room set is so elegant....I love it..the chairs were a task.putting together, .but overall, I love this. look....
Beautiful set!
Great set - we love it. Very elegant looking!
Assembly was exhausting
Overall, I love the table. It's a nice size for my dining area. Assembly was a nightmare. It took hours to put this set together. One hole on the table leg was too big for the screw. So we had to find a slightly bigger screw to replace it. The material on the seats kept getting caught while trying to screw the seat on the chair. Other than the assembly I am satisfied with the set.
Beaches are not stable
Beautiful set but the benches are not staple even my 38 pound kid isnt ok with the wobble
Was damaged. Waiting on a replacement
The table top was damaged when the box was opened. It would look fine if not for the damaged top. Some of the metal pieces needed to be forced on the chairs due to bend/warp in shipping but feel those can be taken care of during assemble. Distributor has been great trying to get a replacement. Hoping it comes soon.
Delivered on time. Good quality product
Good quality product for small space. The chairs and Table are sturdy and beautiful just like on the picture. I would recommend this dinning set.
so pretty ?
this table is nice and easy to assemble. Its the perfect size for a small apartment. It was slightly damaged when it arrived tho but that was an easy fix and good enough to work around.
Perfect for apartment
We recently sold our house and moved to an apartment. This table and chairs are great addition to our home. I read in reviews that chairs were 'meh..' but table is nice. These chairs are definitely better than previous dining chairs we had. Very happy with my purchase.
Better Than Expected
This table takes up even less room than expected but still provides ample surface area for use and storage. For the most part, assembly was incredibly easy, the table moreso than the chairs. When assembling the chairs, be sure to have an extended drill bit as there are not predrilled holes in the cushion to attach it to the chair frame. As mentioned by another reviewer, one of the chair legs appears shorter than the others because of the predrilled holes being a bit higher on one of the chair frames. It causes the chair to rock back and forth but so far its still proven sturdy.
Beautiful table
Table is just what I was looking for fit perfect in that spot very easy the assemble, sturdy good for a medium spot
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