Super easy set up, item came quickly and looks nice for the price. Only one piece was not properly checked for quality but it was a small piece snd the frame is still very sturdy.
I read reviews and was nervous this was going to be a disaster. A little hard to put together, but I put furniture together a lot (love ), so not horrible. Glad I had the hex tools because the little one provided was hurting my hand. The metal tube can flex if you try to over-tighten. I was replacing an bed and this is prefect. The platform is sturdy and I love the low-profile style of the entire frame but still has lots of storage underneath.
Overall great purchase for the price.
Very disappointing, in less than 6 months the mechanisms to hold it together sheared right off the braces, both ends and now it is so unstable as to be unusable. terrible quality of construction. So sorry I chose this one
Good bed frame, very solid but mediocre welding, took 2 hours to put together, be sure to pay attention to instructions, dont tighten all the bolts till the very end so you can still change things around if you put them in the wrong spot
so far we r very happy with this choice
very very sturdy
Too long
This isnt the size of a twin bed, I thought there was something wrong with the mattress so I bought a new one to find out the frame still too long
Easy to assemble and beautiful lightweight frame.
Super easy set up, item came quickly and looks nice for the price. Only one piece was not properly checked for quality but it was a small piece snd the frame is still very sturdy.
Great value.
I can put a lot of things inside
Pretty good
A few pieces didnt fit together. It seems pretty sturdy anyway. Looks nice.
Great bed
I read reviews and was nervous this was going to be a disaster. A little hard to put together, but I put furniture together a lot (love ), so not horrible. Glad I had the hex tools because the little one provided was hurting my hand. The metal tube can flex if you try to over-tighten. I was replacing an bed and this is prefect. The platform is sturdy and I love the low-profile style of the entire frame but still has lots of storage underneath. Overall great purchase for the price.
Very sturdy
The bed was very easy to build. It was a hit with my boys. It once was very sturdy once built
Diabolical, falls apart in less than 6 months
Very disappointing, in less than 6 months the mechanisms to hold it together sheared right off the braces, both ends and now it is so unstable as to be unusable. terrible quality of construction. So sorry I chose this one
Good solid bed frame
Good bed frame, very solid but mediocre welding, took 2 hours to put together, be sure to pay attention to instructions, dont tighten all the bolts till the very end so you can still change things around if you put them in the wrong spot
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