The assembly was technically easy, but it is work. It took about 90 minutes by myself (my cat tried to help) its as sturdy a design as could possibly fit in that box. The fit and finish are spot in for the price point. There was also some spare hardware included.
Very easy to assemble and good quality. It is comfortable for sleep and sturdy. Dont spend money for a fancy bed, this bed does great job for much less money.
So my husband put this together in about 20 minutes. He is super skeptical about assembly items and never writes reviews. However, this time, he said to me....Write a review on this one. Im impressed. So the bed is for our granddaughter and we got the white which is super cute. It was clearly explained how to put together and each piece was labeled alphabetically. Not only that, but we were given extra screws, washers, end caps, etc. in case we needed them. That was a huge plus for my husband. He always ends up running to Lowes to purchase missing pieces, but no need this time. Highly highly recommend. Beautiful. sturdy with extra TBar supports, and easy to assemble.
Quality and price
Easy to put together and worth the money
This thing is built like a tank.
The assembly was technically easy, but it is work. It took about 90 minutes by myself (my cat tried to help) its as sturdy a design as could possibly fit in that box. The fit and finish are spot in for the price point. There was also some spare hardware included.
Super easy to assemble
My 12 year old daughter and her cousin put it together
BigDUDE loves sturdiness
I am a large man wanted a sturdy bed frame for my queen size bed. This is perfect for a big body. I would recommend this for those of us living large.
Screws do not fit
Easy to get together- just weird that the screws provided did not fit.
The Best bed for this price
Very easy to assemble and good quality. It is comfortable for sleep and sturdy. Dont spend money for a fancy bed, this bed does great job for much less money.
Great frame, very sturdy
Was pretty easy to put together and is definitely sturdier than other bed frames Ive owned.
better than expected
So my husband put this together in about 20 minutes. He is super skeptical about assembly items and never writes reviews. However, this time, he said to me....Write a review on this one. Im impressed. So the bed is for our granddaughter and we got the white which is super cute. It was clearly explained how to put together and each piece was labeled alphabetically. Not only that, but we were given extra screws, washers, end caps, etc. in case we needed them. That was a huge plus for my husband. He always ends up running to Lowes to purchase missing pieces, but no need this time. Highly highly recommend. Beautiful. sturdy with extra TBar supports, and easy to assemble.
Good buy.
The instructions are precise if you follow them you will get it easy.
It worked
Got it for my kid. He likes it
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