Very useful. Very inexpensive. Very easy to assemble. No tools required. I had a rubber mallet on hand but only needed it once. If you have hardwood floors, recommend putting some furniture pads under the contact points.
This bed is perfect for my grandson to sleep on. I was able to leave the ladder off so he cant climb to the top bunk. His Dad, who is a big guy climbed onto the top bunk and the bed didnt move. Easy to assemble, my daughter and I did it together. No men had to help us.
Its very easy to assemble just snap all the pieces together. I had to use a mallet to tap the pieces in but other then that super easy. Lots of space underneath. Its very sturdy. My only con is it says you dont need a box spring but I had to go out and buy one the day I set up my bed cause the mattress was falling thought the slats.
I really do love these bed frames. Bought 3 for my kids. Loved the no tools assembly. Have 4 kids one being a newborn. Assembled within 10 minutes and love them. My kids love them also! Thank you!
Kinda feels cheaply made
Just not a good sturdy bed. It was difficult to put together and then to move it scratched my floors.
Works as advertised.
Very useful. Very inexpensive. Very easy to assemble. No tools required. I had a rubber mallet on hand but only needed it once. If you have hardwood floors, recommend putting some furniture pads under the contact points.
Perfect bed for money
This bed is perfect for my grandson to sleep on. I was able to leave the ladder off so he cant climb to the top bunk. His Dad, who is a big guy climbed onto the top bunk and the bed didnt move. Easy to assemble, my daughter and I did it together. No men had to help us.
Would recommend
Its very easy to assemble just snap all the pieces together. I had to use a mallet to tap the pieces in but other then that super easy. Lots of space underneath. Its very sturdy. My only con is it says you dont need a box spring but I had to go out and buy one the day I set up my bed cause the mattress was falling thought the slats.
I like it, it's nice
4 stars
Its alright, but wish it was longer than a twin
Quality Bed Frame
Easy to assemble and sturdy. It was for my nephew who is 64 and 220 lbs. He can also put cloths in storage bins under this bed. Good purchase.
Easy assembly and durable material!
Super easy to assemble! My 12 year old did it! Big enough to put another twin mattress underneath. Metal is good sturdy material.
Love them!
I really do love these bed frames. Bought 3 for my kids. Loved the no tools assembly. Have 4 kids one being a newborn. Assembled within 10 minutes and love them. My kids love them also! Thank you!
Simple, Easy to build Bed Frame
The frame was easy to assemble. Plenty of space underneath to add bins for storage. Not too noisy when moving around on the mattress. So far so good!
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