Had the bed for a while. My 7 year old sleeps on it, but it creaks every time she moves. It was not easy to assemble, but it does free up a lot of useable bedroom space
My daughter loves this bed. I also purchased plywood to use instead of the little slats. I needed it to feel a bit sturdier than tiny slats. The bed wasnt terrible to assemble, but is so much easier with help. I like the way it looks and the fact that the bottom bunk is so high off the floor it allows for tons of storage capabilities.
Great product at a great price. We had 3 twin size beds in our girls
Room and took up
A lot of
Space, this was the answer to our problems, now all 3 girls can use this and have more floor
Space in their room
look like picture
stable enough but move a lot , my son is not heavy and when he climb it move and look not stable. final product look like the picture
Verdict is still out
Had the bed for a while. My 7 year old sleeps on it, but it creaks every time she moves. It was not easy to assemble, but it does free up a lot of useable bedroom space
Great product at a reasonable price.
My daughter loves this bed. I also purchased plywood to use instead of the little slats. I needed it to feel a bit sturdier than tiny slats. The bed wasnt terrible to assemble, but is so much easier with help. I like the way it looks and the fact that the bottom bunk is so high off the floor it allows for tons of storage capabilities.
Two thumbs up
Good little bed, was easy to put together with 2 people.
Great quality, great price
Great product at a great price. We had 3 twin size beds in our girls Room and took up A lot of Space, this was the answer to our problems, now all 3 girls can use this and have more floor Space in their room
I didnt do a proper research before I bought it
It didnt fit my bed
Pretty good value
Turned out pretty good. Wanted wood but this is apparently stronger. Wife likes it, turned out to be a good buy
Grandkids love them, even though they fight over the top bed
Satisfactory, but ladder hurts
Pros: Saves space, cheap, easy to assemble Cons: Ladder steps hurt, minor wobble.
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