The instructions said it would take 45 minutes to assemble. This is hilarious. maybe if you had a team of two both with drills who knew this thing inside and out, but definitely give yourself for hours at least. other than the assembly time, the product is very well-made, looks great, and seems very sturdy. I would recommend it.
This was pretty expensive, but it is so cool that its worth it. I put a bed tent at the top. And a colored mattress thats very thin. So now the girls have a play room without having to take up any extra space in their small bedroom
Such a great purchase. It is very sturdy but we anchored it to the wall just incase, considering its height. We get compliments on the look of it every time we have guests over. It can even hold my husband and I when we lay with the kids. I would def buy it again and recommend to anyone.
Perfect bunk bed for kids
Easy to assemble, no need for power tools. Just right for my toddler, he loves to sleep on top bunk. Sturdy.
nice for the money
grandkids love them
Super easy step by step instructions to assemble. Kids loved the bed. I love that's there's no space UNDER the bed for them to hide stuff.
Great buy. Give yourslwe ALOT of time.
The instructions said it would take 45 minutes to assemble. This is hilarious. maybe if you had a team of two both with drills who knew this thing inside and out, but definitely give yourself for hours at least. other than the assembly time, the product is very well-made, looks great, and seems very sturdy. I would recommend it.
love these worth the money very easy to put together the girls loved them
really cool
This was pretty expensive, but it is so cool that its worth it. I put a bed tent at the top. And a colored mattress thats very thin. So now the girls have a play room without having to take up any extra space in their small bedroom
Great for young children
I wanted something for my toddlers that wouldnt be too high off the ground. This is perfect. My husband put it together pretty quickly.
I was scared to buy because of their reviews They say that The pieces were broken
It was easy to ensamble all the pieces were in good, nothing were damaged it's a nice bunk bed for small kids loved
Beautiful piece of furniture
Such a great purchase. It is very sturdy but we anchored it to the wall just incase, considering its height. We get compliments on the look of it every time we have guests over. It can even hold my husband and I when we lay with the kids. I would def buy it again and recommend to anyone.
Perfect. My kids love it
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