Fairly easy to assemble. Sturdy and looks nice in my front hall. Cushion is comfortable. My only complaint is that one of the bolts wouldnt screw in but doesnt seem to affect the bench.
Great little shoe rack and bench. Fits perfectly in my entryway. Holds 4 pair of shoes on each level and the bench is very sturdy. I weigh 220 lbs and it easily supports me.
Nice shoe bench for my front door. We now have somewhere to put our shoes without having them all over the place when we take them off. The cushion is soft and the bench is sturdy. Very easy to assemble!
Very comfortable and fits perfectly in the tiny door way and walk way. Its just small enough but big enough if you know what I mean. Recommend on this kind of stuff when putting together anything metal like my hamper with cloth dividers the screws come lose. So when putting it together put a little gorilla super glue on the tip of each screw and screw it in. Makes it way more sturdy and those screws are not coming lose. Your never going to take it apart anyway. I now actually glue everything I put together that has screws or bolts that never need to be unscrewed.
Super easy to put together. Nice sturdy. Great purchase.
Just the right fit
I love this shoe bench. This is the perfect size for by my doorway. Not to big and not to small.
Nice looking, sturdy bench
Fairly easy to assemble. Sturdy and looks nice in my front hall. Cushion is comfortable. My only complaint is that one of the bolts wouldnt screw in but doesnt seem to affect the bench.
Easy to assemble
Brilliant design
Perfect entryway bench and shoe rack!
Great little shoe rack and bench. Fits perfectly in my entryway. Holds 4 pair of shoes on each level and the bench is very sturdy. I weigh 220 lbs and it easily supports me.
really good product
I put it together in a couple of minutes. I am using it as a towel rack and a changing bench in my bathroom. Nice product.
Easy to Assemble/Seems like good quality
Item was extremely easy to assemble and is actually comfortable/sturdy. With my cordless drill, it took 5/10 minutes to put together.
Perfect for my front door!
Nice shoe bench for my front door. We now have somewhere to put our shoes without having them all over the place when we take them off. The cushion is soft and the bench is sturdy. Very easy to assemble!
Great product and quality
Very comfortable and fits perfectly in the tiny door way and walk way. Its just small enough but big enough if you know what I mean. Recommend on this kind of stuff when putting together anything metal like my hamper with cloth dividers the screws come lose. So when putting it together put a little gorilla super glue on the tip of each screw and screw it in. Makes it way more sturdy and those screws are not coming lose. Your never going to take it apart anyway. I now actually glue everything I put together that has screws or bolts that never need to be unscrewed.
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