Assembly was simple, did not have any issues with that. My issue is that after assembly I found out that it is a wobbly bench. Other than that its great. Its sturdy, looks nice and is functional!
It was easy to assemble. Fit right where I needed it too. But instead of holding shoes as intended we put mail and random stuff on it.
But it would be perfect to sit and put on shoes.
No issues at all, and Im pretty critical of items like this. Sturdy metal framed with good welds at joints, powder coated frame and really simple and easy to put together.
Proven good and lasting
Great product. Had it for long and still like the first day. Recommended
Easy to assemble. Sturdy enough to support sitting
Most pieces are symmetrical and completely finished so you dont need to worry whether it should face in or out.
Wobbly but functional
Assembly was simple, did not have any issues with that. My issue is that after assembly I found out that it is a wobbly bench. Other than that its great. Its sturdy, looks nice and is functional!
Great Quality Bench
Great bench. Nice Look and great quality. Very Stylish and a great buy
Easy to assemble and sturdy enough
It was easy to assemble. Fit right where I needed it too. But instead of holding shoes as intended we put mail and random stuff on it. But it would be perfect to sit and put on shoes.
I would recommend
Good quality bench for the price.
Sturdy, easy to assemble, well made
No issues at all, and Im pretty critical of items like this. Sturdy metal framed with good welds at joints, powder coated frame and really simple and easy to put together.
AWESOME purchass
What can I say great bench. Im very happy with the purchase.
Perfect for putting your shoes on.
Ive got it at the entrance of a tiny house. Holds 8 pairs of shoes and nice to sit on. Decent quality.
Great for the price!
Easiest assembly I have ever had with any piece of furniture! The seat is very comfortable and the bench is sturdy and clean looking.
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