My husband and I built four of these for the bunk room at our cabin. They went together so easily and they look so cute. I would highly recommend them, especially for the price!
We bought the full size. The assembly was really easy. My 10 year old and I had it done pretty fast. It is absolutely adorable in her room. Her 7 and 4 year old brother and sister have already had a sleep over in her room with all three piled in together. This thing is sturdy and doesnt even creak when my hubby gets on it with all three of them for bedtime story. It shipped super fast. The only reason I didnt give it all the stars was because the box was completely open on one side. There is a small rusty orange stain on the inside of the headboard. I didnt notice it until we had it put together and the mattress already on.
So it arrived on time in one box. The instructions were pretty clear to read and understand, however it took a whole lot of patience for the pieces to stay in place while you put other parts together. It took 2 of us over an hour on one side of the bed and may I say this wasnt the first time putting together a large piece I kept thinking there must be a better way to get the little spindles to stay while you try to get the other pieces together. Some of the pieces arent strong wood more like think plywood.
Very sturdy. color or off white, not bright white. Very cute. Low to the ground. Perfect for my toddler. Has two height options. Great bed! Would deff recommend to others!
Good choice!
Love my day bed!good choice!
I would choose a different daybad.
Did not come with a manual to assemble. Slates did not fit properly other than that is good
Perfect for toddler
Love this bed for my 2.5 year old. I like that there are different heights so she can get in/out of bed in her own. Very happy with it !
Goes together so well!
My husband and I built four of these for the bunk room at our cabin. They went together so easily and they look so cute. I would highly recommend them, especially for the price!
The easiest thing I ever put together
Put together all by myself VERY EASY TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS . Easy to figure out and manage by ONE person
So cute!
We bought the full size. The assembly was really easy. My 10 year old and I had it done pretty fast. It is absolutely adorable in her room. Her 7 and 4 year old brother and sister have already had a sleep over in her room with all three piled in together. This thing is sturdy and doesnt even creak when my hubby gets on it with all three of them for bedtime story. It shipped super fast. The only reason I didnt give it all the stars was because the box was completely open on one side. There is a small rusty orange stain on the inside of the headboard. I didnt notice it until we had it put together and the mattress already on.
Brown Bed
So it arrived on time in one box. The instructions were pretty clear to read and understand, however it took a whole lot of patience for the pieces to stay in place while you put other parts together. It took 2 of us over an hour on one side of the bed and may I say this wasnt the first time putting together a large piece I kept thinking there must be a better way to get the little spindles to stay while you try to get the other pieces together. Some of the pieces arent strong wood more like think plywood.
Great price and very sturdy
Not an easy one to assemble for sure.
Worth it once its assembled
Took forever to put together
Great purchase
Very sturdy. color or off white, not bright white. Very cute. Low to the ground. Perfect for my toddler. Has two height options. Great bed! Would deff recommend to others!
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