It was easy to put to together. However, it was kind of crooked. It did hold me and my son which is over 200 pounds so thats pretty good. Definitely worth it but it isnt perfect.
Assembly was not difficult. All parts well labeled and instructions are easy to understand. Bed is sturdy and works will with foam/coil hybrid matress.
Recieved it very fast and was relatively easy to put together (would have gone faster if I didnt have a tiny helper). Perfect for the office/guest room.
It was easy to put to together. However, it was kind of crooked. It did hold me and my son which is over 200 pounds so thats pretty good. Definitely worth it but it isnt perfect.
Very cute sturdy daybed.
Very well made daybed for the price. Easy to assemble. We bought it for our granddaughters room at our house.
Moneys worth
Very Durable if correctly assembled and a wonderful collection of colors Assembly is very easy with 2 people
Super easy to assemble.
The instructions were not fantastic, but if you use a little bit of common sense it is easy to piece together.
Great purchase!
My daughter loves it. Perfect size and very comfortable!
Functional and great value for money
Easy to assemble / one person / instructions could be slightly better. Great value for money!
Nice bed
Everything was in the box. I assembled this myself. I like that it has the middle support under the frame. Using it currently in my daughters room
bed is stylist and functional
Assembly was not difficult. All parts well labeled and instructions are easy to understand. Bed is sturdy and works will with foam/coil hybrid matress.
Its really big, I didnt realize it was this big but we still love it.
We are using it in our play as a bed/ couch. Love it.
Strong frame, nice look
Recieved it very fast and was relatively easy to put together (would have gone faster if I didnt have a tiny helper). Perfect for the office/guest room.
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