Bought this for my 12 year old son. I was not going to be able to assemble it the day we got it, so he did it himself. He said it was super easy! Frame is sturdy, and I would feel comfortable having two adults sleep on it. Great frame!
We used this with a memory foam mattress. At first it was decent since we only had our bed on the floor. After a few months it started squeaking a lot. Nothing had loosened up. 2 years later we have a broken support beam, probably from one of the teenagers flopping themselves down on our bed? Would not recommend if you are active in bed as it is so noisy. The sticky tape is nice to keep the mattress from sliding and setup was a breeze. Kudos for that. Could not recommend for bing , I doubt it would hold 1500 lbs. Needs more support.
Im so used to having a box spring and a regular metal frame. This is such a welcoming change, its so much nicer to look at and there is a lot of space under. We got the queen size and its aming
The bed and frame were easy to assemble. The mattress took about 4 hours to regain its air which is much faster than expected. Everything is great with these beds but the mattress is very firm. So if firm is what youre looking for, this is exactly what you want. If you want a softer mattress, youll want to buy a different one, or a topper to put on top of this one. The bed frame has a lot of usable storage underneath if you are looking for that. The only thing I would change with this is to locate the legs of the frame a little more under the edge of frame so youre not running into them with your toes ouch
All in all, this is a very sturdy frame and a very easy install.
My 14 y/o son is 58 and 378. He has a 6 inch Linenspa mattress on this with a 3 inch egg crate foam mattress topper. This simple but classic bed is the best one weve ordered. Sits pretty high for es. It was very easy to assemble and he did it himself. He sleeps like a baby!
This frame has everything labeled and the directions are so easy to understand. My daughter and I put it together in less than an hour. I brought it for my guest bedroom so nobody will be sleeping on it for an extended period of time, but so far it seems very sturdy.
This bed is for my grandson when he comes to visit. I chose this particular frame because it was tall enough to put storage totes for his toys under it. The frame was easy to put together and seems to be very sturdy. The only drawback would be that the legs are right at the edges instead of being recessed under and you cant help but hit your toes. I padded the 2 legs that were the most troublesome with a cut up pool noodle and problem solved!
If your like me and your just looking to get your bed off the ground then this is a great starter bed frame. I got this about a month and a half ago. I have a memory foam mattress and a second mattress under that one. The creaking is very minimal.
For any of my heavier friends out there I am 250 lbs 6ft 1in and its held sturdy no issues
Sturdy, and super easy to assembe
Bought this for my 12 year old son. I was not going to be able to assemble it the day we got it, so he did it himself. He said it was super easy! Frame is sturdy, and I would feel comfortable having two adults sleep on it. Great frame!
Just meh
We used this with a memory foam mattress. At first it was decent since we only had our bed on the floor. After a few months it started squeaking a lot. Nothing had loosened up. 2 years later we have a broken support beam, probably from one of the teenagers flopping themselves down on our bed? Would not recommend if you are active in bed as it is so noisy. The sticky tape is nice to keep the mattress from sliding and setup was a breeze. Kudos for that. Could not recommend for bing , I doubt it would hold 1500 lbs. Needs more support.
I love it!!
I use it to sleep on it basically. It is way better than my old one that I had, its not so squeaky.
Better than a box spring
Im so used to having a box spring and a regular metal frame. This is such a welcoming change, its so much nicer to look at and there is a lot of space under. We got the queen size and its aming
Very firm mattress
The bed and frame were easy to assemble. The mattress took about 4 hours to regain its air which is much faster than expected. Everything is great with these beds but the mattress is very firm. So if firm is what youre looking for, this is exactly what you want. If you want a softer mattress, youll want to buy a different one, or a topper to put on top of this one. The bed frame has a lot of usable storage underneath if you are looking for that. The only thing I would change with this is to locate the legs of the frame a little more under the edge of frame so youre not running into them with your toes ouch All in all, this is a very sturdy frame and a very easy install.
Great quality
Granddaughters bedroom they love it
Excellent for my son!
My 14 y/o son is 58 and 378. He has a 6 inch Linenspa mattress on this with a 3 inch egg crate foam mattress topper. This simple but classic bed is the best one weve ordered. Sits pretty high for es. It was very easy to assemble and he did it himself. He sleeps like a baby!
So easy to put together
This frame has everything labeled and the directions are so easy to understand. My daughter and I put it together in less than an hour. I brought it for my guest bedroom so nobody will be sleeping on it for an extended period of time, but so far it seems very sturdy.
Loving the storage space under the bed!
This bed is for my grandson when he comes to visit. I chose this particular frame because it was tall enough to put storage totes for his toys under it. The frame was easy to put together and seems to be very sturdy. The only drawback would be that the legs are right at the edges instead of being recessed under and you cant help but hit your toes. I padded the 2 legs that were the most troublesome with a cut up pool noodle and problem solved!
Great for the price
If your like me and your just looking to get your bed off the ground then this is a great starter bed frame. I got this about a month and a half ago. I have a memory foam mattress and a second mattress under that one. The creaking is very minimal. For any of my heavier friends out there I am 250 lbs 6ft 1in and its held sturdy no issues
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