This bed is for my grandson when he comes to visit. I chose this particular frame because it was tall enough to put storage totes for his toys under it. The frame was easy to put together and seems to be very sturdy. The only drawback would be that the legs are right at the edges instead of being recessed under and you cant help but hit your toes. I padded the 2 legs that were the most troublesome with a cut up pool noodle and problem solved!
Loving the storage space under the bed!
This bed is for my grandson when he comes to visit. I chose this particular frame because it was tall enough to put storage totes for his toys under it. The frame was easy to put together and seems to be very sturdy. The only drawback would be that the legs are right at the edges instead of being recessed under and you cant help but hit your toes. I padded the 2 legs that were the most troublesome with a cut up pool noodle and problem solved!