These were perfect. Easy to assemble. It took my husband and I about 3 hours with stopping in between to finish. My boys are ages 7 and 4. The beds are big enough for them to grow in. Really sturdy.
My son is 10 and can never decide top or bottom so hes constantly going back and forth but this bed holds up perfectly . He absolutely loves it! As do I! Also the feature to easily separate into two twin beds I love! I would def recommend this bunk bed set !
The construction is well done, assembly took me about 4 hours partly because I made a mistake. Im grateful for all the reviews so we picked up some bunky boards because this wouldnt have worked without them. Im overall satisfied with the price and quality of the product. I just think that they are expecting people to use bunky boards from the manufacturer and they are not included is pretty cheap
I love the wood very sturdy and well designed the only thing I didnt like was the scratches and broken wood from the delivery but besides that its great.
The beds were easy to assemble and have stood up to the destruction of our twin toddlers. They also dont have to be stacked which we love as the boys are only 2 yrs old
This was incredibly difficult to put together so my husband who is an engineer had to take over completely. It is beautiful and the quality is great. Exactly what we wanted.
The price of the set worried me when compared to other wooden bunk beds. I was beyond impressed with the quality of the wood. Every piece was solid wood. Sturdy enough to handle my two boys! Was so easy to set up, every piece was clearly labeled with easy to use instructions! Only took around an hour to fully set up. 5 out of 5 would buy again, very impressed!
Very difficult to put together.
Very time consuming to put together.
High quality for a great price!
Was skeptical but overall very very happy. Sturdy, easy instructions, and perfect for my boys.
I sent this bedroom suit to my grandson for Christmas and the excitement of having his new big boy bed said it all very well Quality it very cute.
Nice sturdy beds
These were perfect. Easy to assemble. It took my husband and I about 3 hours with stopping in between to finish. My boys are ages 7 and 4. The beds are big enough for them to grow in. Really sturdy.
Great price for a great bed set!
My son is 10 and can never decide top or bottom so hes constantly going back and forth but this bed holds up perfectly . He absolutely loves it! As do I! Also the feature to easily separate into two twin beds I love! I would def recommend this bunk bed set !
Pretty solid, just plan on getting bunky boards
The construction is well done, assembly took me about 4 hours partly because I made a mistake. Im grateful for all the reviews so we picked up some bunky boards because this wouldnt have worked without them. Im overall satisfied with the price and quality of the product. I just think that they are expecting people to use bunky boards from the manufacturer and they are not included is pretty cheap
Bunk beds
I love the wood very sturdy and well designed the only thing I didnt like was the scratches and broken wood from the delivery but besides that its great.
Simple assembly
The beds were easy to assemble and have stood up to the destruction of our twin toddlers. They also dont have to be stacked which we love as the boys are only 2 yrs old
Engineer husband put together
This was incredibly difficult to put together so my husband who is an engineer had to take over completely. It is beautiful and the quality is great. Exactly what we wanted.
Wonderful Set!
The price of the set worried me when compared to other wooden bunk beds. I was beyond impressed with the quality of the wood. Every piece was solid wood. Sturdy enough to handle my two boys! Was so easy to set up, every piece was clearly labeled with easy to use instructions! Only took around an hour to fully set up. 5 out of 5 would buy again, very impressed!
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