I don't know how sturdy this is going to be as it's in the guest bedroom and no one has tested it yet! I highly doubt it'll last forever but it does the job for now. Took my husband about an hour to assemble. Not too difficult to put together. The headboard is low but I knew that before buying. There was a dent on the top of the metal of the headboard which was disappointing.
I just got this assembled and it is so adorable in my room! I had help from my boyfriend putting it together because it had a few bits where I needed help holding something so I could tighten something else. Overall was super easy to assemble and is very quiet so far! I will recommend this bed to any of my friends!
We bought this bed frame in the twin size for our toddler. It is easy to assemble if you have put tother other furniture before. I assembled it by myself with toddler's help. The instruction is understandable enough that you might make minor mistakes which are changeable. It's sturdy and does not make any weird noise when my toddler and I played on the bed. I think it is a good bed frame on a budget. We store her toys under the bed and it helps the room looks so much cleaner and organized. I personally like the hight of this bed frame because you can see underneath and clean very easily. It's not sleek because the knots and bolts are silver and bed is white so you can see the engineering part of the bed but it's not ugly either. I think if your expectation is right, you will be happy with this bed frame.
Very sturdy and love the style of it.
I love this bed frame my bed fits it nicely and it is very sturdy.
Great Bed Frame
Very sturdy Assy Instructions very clear Will buy it again if I need to
It's a bed frame!
I don't know how sturdy this is going to be as it's in the guest bedroom and no one has tested it yet! I highly doubt it'll last forever but it does the job for now. Took my husband about an hour to assemble. Not too difficult to put together. The headboard is low but I knew that before buying. There was a dent on the top of the metal of the headboard which was disappointing.
Very sturdy, easy assembly
I like that the frame is very sturdy, and that spare parts were included
Very cute and quiet
I just got this assembled and it is so adorable in my room! I had help from my boyfriend putting it together because it had a few bits where I needed help holding something so I could tighten something else. Overall was super easy to assemble and is very quiet so far! I will recommend this bed to any of my friends!
Bendy Bed
Terrible, pipes bent on first night
Worth the money
We bought this bed frame in the twin size for our toddler. It is easy to assemble if you have put tother other furniture before. I assembled it by myself with toddler's help. The instruction is understandable enough that you might make minor mistakes which are changeable. It's sturdy and does not make any weird noise when my toddler and I played on the bed. I think it is a good bed frame on a budget. We store her toys under the bed and it helps the room looks so much cleaner and organized. I personally like the hight of this bed frame because you can see underneath and clean very easily. It's not sleek because the knots and bolts are silver and bed is white so you can see the engineering part of the bed but it's not ugly either. I think if your expectation is right, you will be happy with this bed frame.
Love it!
Love this bed!! Super easy to set up and sturdy.
Looks good
It was easy to put together. Not heavy to move as needed. Seems sturdy. It has worked great.
Its okay
We opened it up and the headboard wasnt fully screwed in. The screws actually look like someone tried to yank them out or something.
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