We bought this bed frame in the twin size for our toddler. It is easy to assemble if you have put tother other furniture before. I assembled it by myself with toddler's help. The instruction is understandable enough that you might make minor mistakes which are changeable. It's sturdy and does not make any weird noise when my toddler and I played on the bed. I think it is a good bed frame on a budget. We store her toys under the bed and it helps the room looks so much cleaner and organized. I personally like the hight of this bed frame because you can see underneath and clean very easily. It's not sleek because the knots and bolts are silver and bed is white so you can see the engineering part of the bed but it's not ugly either. I think if your expectation is right, you will be happy with this bed frame.
Worth the money
We bought this bed frame in the twin size for our toddler. It is easy to assemble if you have put tother other furniture before. I assembled it by myself with toddler's help. The instruction is understandable enough that you might make minor mistakes which are changeable. It's sturdy and does not make any weird noise when my toddler and I played on the bed. I think it is a good bed frame on a budget. We store her toys under the bed and it helps the room looks so much cleaner and organized. I personally like the hight of this bed frame because you can see underneath and clean very easily. It's not sleek because the knots and bolts are silver and bed is white so you can see the engineering part of the bed but it's not ugly either. I think if your expectation is right, you will be happy with this bed frame.