This is a great value. For the price you pay it is worth it, easy to assemble, the messaging is nice and the is an added bonus for you have over worked your body. The fact that is has timer is great because I have fallen asleep in the chair because it relaxed me that much.
I work from home, and watching my son while sitting on his bed was killing my back. I didnt want to get a full/size chair for his room, so I bought this chair. It doesnt disappoint at all. Its very comfortable, the perfect size for me and my son, and doesnt take up a ton of floor space (giving him more room to play). If youre looking for a great chair to sit in, as well as a great chair for your child, this one is perfect!
Bought this for my kids so they did not get so close to the TV. Perfect size for my kids and for under 6 foot adults. Now my kids are not standing or sitting so close to the TV while playing video games. They love that it is possible to revert to laying down and love to play their tablet in this position. Price is a little high but would definitely recommend though.
The small pillow has spring marks on it. Packed poorly. Screwing the screws in the bottom part was hard, to say the least. The holes were not at all lined up and there was some black stuff covering the holes, which made it even harder to screw to the screws in.
Overall, it came out nice. Just was not fun to put together. And of course, the messed up pillow. Boo.
this chaise is AMING, specially after working iut and coming home from work. Great for relaxing while watching tv and kids enjoy it as well. Our puppies jump on it as well and they fall asleep while getting a .
Folds up to stow away. Not recommended for full time use but great to have for a guest or for a child. Too low to the ground to use as chair for anyone over 3 feet tall but okay to relax on in the unfolded position. But for the same price you can buy a much superior air mattress.
My cat loves it so I have not had much time to lounge myself but its comfy no assembly required the r is stronger than I had expected all in all nice product
I have a chronic condition that often keeps me up at night. I bought this chair to have an alternative place to sleep (in my office) so as not to wake my hubby in our regular bed. I needed something that was quick to convert from chair to bed. This chair is a great find. The light grey color is beautiful. Its comfy as a chair and as a bed. And it changes from chair to lounger to bed quickly and easily. My one and only con would be the assembly instructions were not super clear on the internal casters. But hubby and I figured it out in about 5 minutes. Definitely recommend.
The seat looks exactly like photo I gave sturdiness a lower score because it tips easy backwards make sure you do not sit too high in chair. Vibrates and s well. We have only had it a few days though.
This is a great value. For the price you pay it is worth it, easy to assemble, the messaging is nice and the is an added bonus for you have over worked your body. The fact that is has timer is great because I have fallen asleep in the chair because it relaxed me that much.
Great kids room chair for your child or yourself.
I work from home, and watching my son while sitting on his bed was killing my back. I didnt want to get a full/size chair for his room, so I bought this chair. It doesnt disappoint at all. Its very comfortable, the perfect size for me and my son, and doesnt take up a ton of floor space (giving him more room to play). If youre looking for a great chair to sit in, as well as a great chair for your child, this one is perfect!
Great for kids and adults
Bought this for my kids so they did not get so close to the TV. Perfect size for my kids and for under 6 foot adults. Now my kids are not standing or sitting so close to the TV while playing video games. They love that it is possible to revert to laying down and love to play their tablet in this position. Price is a little high but would definitely recommend though.
Cute, but made poorly
The small pillow has spring marks on it. Packed poorly. Screwing the screws in the bottom part was hard, to say the least. The holes were not at all lined up and there was some black stuff covering the holes, which made it even harder to screw to the screws in. Overall, it came out nice. Just was not fun to put together. And of course, the messed up pillow. Boo.
Buy it !!!!!
this chaise is AMING, specially after working iut and coming home from work. Great for relaxing while watching tv and kids enjoy it as well. Our puppies jump on it as well and they fall asleep while getting a .
Good for stowing away for extra guest, not full/time use
Folds up to stow away. Not recommended for full time use but great to have for a guest or for a child. Too low to the ground to use as chair for anyone over 3 feet tall but okay to relax on in the unfolded position. But for the same price you can buy a much superior air mattress.
Good product
My cat loves it so I have not had much time to lounge myself but its comfy no assembly required the r is stronger than I had expected all in all nice product
Comfy as a chair and as a bed
I have a chronic condition that often keeps me up at night. I bought this chair to have an alternative place to sleep (in my office) so as not to wake my hubby in our regular bed. I needed something that was quick to convert from chair to bed. This chair is a great find. The light grey color is beautiful. Its comfy as a chair and as a bed. And it changes from chair to lounger to bed quickly and easily. My one and only con would be the assembly instructions were not super clear on the internal casters. But hubby and I figured it out in about 5 minutes. Definitely recommend.
Factory fault and very low quality wood
Not easy to assemble, Because the hole wasnt in perfect place. And the very very low quality wooden side. After Assembly looks good.
Looks good
The seat looks exactly like photo I gave sturdiness a lower score because it tips easy backwards make sure you do not sit too high in chair. Vibrates and s well. We have only had it a few days though.
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