The only issue with this bed is that both ladxers are on the same side of each end. This forces you to place the bed a certain way in order to use even one ladder. In our case, this means we cannot fold the bottom bunk to use the futon, because it must face the wall. Otherwise its very nice.
Boy this for my 11yo son and 12yo daughter, and Im happy with the purchase. Easy enough to assemble, though took a little time. Sturdy enough for the price, though I wouldnt expect them to last forever. Well built and sturdy
Ours had wrong parts for futon frame, missing bars for base, poorly made holes for the screws, and the words on the instructions did not match the pictures.
I purchased this set for my kiddos to use at my sisters. It is very sturdy and works well. The stairs are very rough on my feet but my children get up and down with no problem. Stylish yet affordable
I have purchased this bed twice becasue its very sturdy, I mean it does wiggle a bit if I try and go to the top I think its going to fall but it doesnt it can support about 150lbs on the side and iv slept on the top bunk and everything is great. very convenient in small rooms saves space and well its nice! I bought 2 for the 2 rooms in the house. not because they broke or nothing because theses beds great! Gorgeous and Good Quality
Bought for my daughter and she loves It! The directions were a little tricky and took longer than expected to put together. Its one big puzzle bit looks great once put together and is very sturdy. Very good value for high quality.
easy assembly, 2 hrs with 2 adults and a .
delivered a day ahead of time, product was everything I hoped for. easy assembly, 2 hrs with 2 adults and a kids help.
A design issue.
The only issue with this bed is that both ladxers are on the same side of each end. This forces you to place the bed a certain way in order to use even one ladder. In our case, this means we cannot fold the bottom bunk to use the futon, because it must face the wall. Otherwise its very nice.
but great after all
alot of assembly, but great after all done it looks very nice.
and Im happy with the purchase
Boy this for my 11yo son and 12yo daughter, and Im happy with the purchase. Easy enough to assemble, though took a little time. Sturdy enough for the price, though I wouldnt expect them to last forever. Well built and sturdy
Five Stars
Great product for a great price Good value to price ratio.
Five Stars
Love it!!! Very sturdy well made Looks atmospheric
Verify you have all of the correct parts before you start puting it together.
Ours had wrong parts for futon frame, missing bars for base, poorly made holes for the screws, and the words on the instructions did not match the pictures.
It is very sturdy and works well
I purchased this set for my kiddos to use at my sisters. It is very sturdy and works well. The stairs are very rough on my feet but my children get up and down with no problem. Stylish yet affordable
I have purchased this bed twice becasue its very sturdy, I mean it does wiggle a bit if I try and go to the top I think its going to fall but it doesnt it can support about 150lbs on the side and iv slept on the top bunk and everything is great. very convenient in small rooms saves space and well its nice! I bought 2 for the 2 rooms in the house. not because they broke or nothing because theses beds great! Gorgeous and Good Quality
Its one big puzzle bit looks great once put together and is very sturdy
Bought for my daughter and she loves It! The directions were a little tricky and took longer than expected to put together. Its one big puzzle bit looks great once put together and is very sturdy. Very good value for high quality.
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