Came with no instructions. Had to put this bad boy up all by myself. It was like a guessing game. Honestly, not sure if I even did it right. It hasnt fallen apart yet. Get something that comes with instructions instead.
Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase. The price was very reasonable and it looks very nice assembled. Assembly was pretty easy... the only part that was a little difficult was adjusting the feet to make sure it was not wobbly. Once we got that done, it seemed much more sturdy. We are working on getting some decorations for the top and otherwise it has been a very functional spot for Items like our work bags, my purse, magazines, and outgoing mail.
Perfect size for the wall and area its at. And matches my decor. Yes, it doesnt come with instructions but you can find them online. Easy to put together. Love it!
This table is very nice for the amount it costs! My only issues were that a)it was slightly off balance so I had to make some adjustments to the feet to make it balanced (which was no big deal because it comes with twist on slider type feet, so I just kept adjusting them until the table no longer wobbled), and b)it only came with 6 faux birch looking stickers to hide the screws and it needs 12. However I wrote directly to the company (not ) and they immediately sent me additional stickers (so kudos to them on fast and great customer service!). I would definitely recommend this table for its attractiveness and the companys great customer service if something is wrong!
Narrow table sturdy and really cute!
Fits great in narrow hall beautifully! Hit it with my motorized wheelchair and it is still standing!! Love it!!
Works great!
I like it... buy it.
Nice and beautiful.
Nice easy to assemble.
Me encato
Muy satisfecha
Happy purchase
My 12 yr old son put it together while I was at work and its beautiful. Well worth the money holds pics candles photo albums just about anything!
Came with no instructions
Came with no instructions. Had to put this bad boy up all by myself. It was like a guessing game. Honestly, not sure if I even did it right. It hasnt fallen apart yet. Get something that comes with instructions instead.
Nice Purchase!
Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase. The price was very reasonable and it looks very nice assembled. Assembly was pretty easy... the only part that was a little difficult was adjusting the feet to make sure it was not wobbly. Once we got that done, it seemed much more sturdy. We are working on getting some decorations for the top and otherwise it has been a very functional spot for Items like our work bags, my purse, magazines, and outgoing mail.
Love my entry table
Perfect size for the wall and area its at. And matches my decor. Yes, it doesnt come with instructions but you can find them online. Easy to put together. Love it!
Wrong height
It was way shorter than the description, but still cute.
I recommend it!
This table is very nice for the amount it costs! My only issues were that a)it was slightly off balance so I had to make some adjustments to the feet to make it balanced (which was no big deal because it comes with twist on slider type feet, so I just kept adjusting them until the table no longer wobbled), and b)it only came with 6 faux birch looking stickers to hide the screws and it needs 12. However I wrote directly to the company (not ) and they immediately sent me additional stickers (so kudos to them on fast and great customer service!). I would definitely recommend this table for its attractiveness and the companys great customer service if something is wrong!
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