Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase. The price was very reasonable and it looks very nice assembled. Assembly was pretty easy... the only part that was a little difficult was adjusting the feet to make sure it was not wobbly. Once we got that done, it seemed much more sturdy. We are working on getting some decorations for the top and otherwise it has been a very functional spot for Items like our work bags, my purse, magazines, and outgoing mail.
Nice Purchase!
Overall, I am very satisfied with this purchase. The price was very reasonable and it looks very nice assembled. Assembly was pretty easy... the only part that was a little difficult was adjusting the feet to make sure it was not wobbly. Once we got that done, it seemed much more sturdy. We are working on getting some decorations for the top and otherwise it has been a very functional spot for Items like our work bags, my purse, magazines, and outgoing mail.