It works. Its cute. It does require a fair bit of work to assemble. Once assembled if there are any reoccurring movements on the bed, it requires retightening. Soooo its OK.
I was quite impressed with the sturdiness and quality of this product. At the price I cant believe its as sturdy as it is and was so easy to put together.
I love the bed/ just had a dent in the footboard when I opened the box. I was already about to put the bed together when I noticed it. Other than that I love it.
I had help to assemble it so it was super easy. I would say an additional person is absolutely essential to assemble it efficiently. Overall, its a really sturdy bed and for the price I think its a great deal.
Its ok.
It works. Its cute. It does require a fair bit of work to assemble. Once assembled if there are any reoccurring movements on the bed, it requires retightening. Soooo its OK.
Great value
I was quite impressed with the sturdiness and quality of this product. At the price I cant believe its as sturdy as it is and was so easy to put together.
Quality product
Worth the wait. 6 years without a bed.
Started squeaking
Started squeaking after a month
Sturdy frame
Sturdy compared to the one I originally had. Lots of storage under the bed and it was easy to put together. Worth the money
Pretty bed
I love the bed/ just had a dent in the footboard when I opened the box. I was already about to put the bed together when I noticed it. Other than that I love it.
Right on the money.
While its not high end looking it doesnt look cheap. If you want something that is sturdy and is aesthetically pleasing this will do the trick.
Absolutely love this frame!Exactly what I wanted.
Great for the money
Love this bed! Perfect for my guest room. Sturdy. Nice to look at.
Great value. Very sturdy.
I had help to assemble it so it was super easy. I would say an additional person is absolutely essential to assemble it efficiently. Overall, its a really sturdy bed and for the price I think its a great deal.
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