It is very well/made and sturdy. I assembled it myself and it was very easy to do. I am using it with a Sleep Number bed, so not even using the cross bars, only the frame. Still very sturdy. Very happy with it.
It came a day earlier than expected. My 14 year old daughter put this bed together all by herself. She completed it under 2 hours. The packaging was in good condition and the parts were all intact. No scratches, dents or deformed parts. The bed is not noisy and does not creek. I love that it has ample storage underneath the bed. My bunk bed drawers fit perfectly underneath. The style of the bed goes perfect with the Paris theme in the room Im impressed!
The mattress does still slide even with the support to keep it from sliding. But it is not a deal breaker. It only slides a little.
I love the look of this frame! It is extremely sturdy and was very easy to assemble. My only complaint is that the brackets on the side to hold the mattress in are not very tall so the mattress slides around a little bit.
The bed was pretty easy to assemble just slightly time consuming. As far as sturdiness goes it is extremely solid but does make some noise occasionally. Nothing that would wake the neighbors or be obnoxious. I love the look and the height is perfect. Tons of space under the bed to store containers or anything you need. The only issue I have it the metal support right smack dab in the center of the bed on each side it is flush with the frame instead of being a few inches towards the inside which has caused my toes a ton of pain. Every time I walk past the bed without my shoes on I smack my toes on that support bar. You have to constantly remind yourself its there. My mattress slides just a little to one side but Ive yet to end up in the floor so its really nothing to be concerned about. Overall I definitely recommend this frame. I have a memory foam mattress and a two inch gel mattress topper so my mattress does sit above the footboard instead of being below the top bar of the footboard, its flush. Which is great for my boyfriend because hes super tall so his feet can hang freely above the footboard. Buy the bed. Its worth every penny.
Didnt take hubby long to put it together maybe like an hour altogether. So far its good. Its quiet for ya know what too lol but we did add the double sided thick tape for the mattress to stay in place on some of the rails underneath because it would slide before that. So get some tape tape it on the rails the tape is thick itll keep it in place fr!!
I love the durability and sturdiness.
Love it!
It is very well/made and sturdy. I assembled it myself and it was very easy to do. I am using it with a Sleep Number bed, so not even using the cross bars, only the frame. Still very sturdy. Very happy with it.
Nice bed
Needed help putting it together. Once finished its a very nice, sturdy bed, especially for the price!
It came a day earlier than expected. My 14 year old daughter put this bed together all by herself. She completed it under 2 hours. The packaging was in good condition and the parts were all intact. No scratches, dents or deformed parts. The bed is not noisy and does not creek. I love that it has ample storage underneath the bed. My bunk bed drawers fit perfectly underneath. The style of the bed goes perfect with the Paris theme in the room Im impressed! EDIT: The mattress does still slide even with the support to keep it from sliding. But it is not a deal breaker. It only slides a little.
Poor Quality
The screws were too short or too big
Great value
I love the look of this frame! It is extremely sturdy and was very easy to assemble. My only complaint is that the brackets on the side to hold the mattress in are not very tall so the mattress slides around a little bit.
Buy it but beware of small discrepancies
The bed was pretty easy to assemble just slightly time consuming. As far as sturdiness goes it is extremely solid but does make some noise occasionally. Nothing that would wake the neighbors or be obnoxious. I love the look and the height is perfect. Tons of space under the bed to store containers or anything you need. The only issue I have it the metal support right smack dab in the center of the bed on each side it is flush with the frame instead of being a few inches towards the inside which has caused my toes a ton of pain. Every time I walk past the bed without my shoes on I smack my toes on that support bar. You have to constantly remind yourself its there. My mattress slides just a little to one side but Ive yet to end up in the floor so its really nothing to be concerned about. Overall I definitely recommend this frame. I have a memory foam mattress and a two inch gel mattress topper so my mattress does sit above the footboard instead of being below the top bar of the footboard, its flush. Which is great for my boyfriend because hes super tall so his feet can hang freely above the footboard. Buy the bed. Its worth every penny.
BUY ! buy
Didnt take hubby long to put it together maybe like an hour altogether. So far its good. Its quiet for ya know what too lol but we did add the double sided thick tape for the mattress to stay in place on some of the rails underneath because it would slide before that. So get some tape tape it on the rails the tape is thick itll keep it in place fr!!
Whats not to love
Looks nice in my guest room. Easily out together, but definitely takes 2 people.
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