Cute. I ordered this bunk bed for my kids to replace this old futon bed they were sharing. It was perfect for the size of the room without being too long or too tall. The assembly was very easy although I hit a few bumps in the process by trying to skip the instructions. Definitely read the directions to save on having to redo what you have already done. One thing I do want to add is that some of the slats used to support the mattress were a little off and needed some adjusting to fit from one side to the other. All in all it is very sturdy and perfect for the kids.
He loves it. Great value! My son loves his big bed. It was easy to put together and a great deal. We bought two of the Zinus Sleep Master 6 inch mattresses to go with it and everything fits perfectly. I highly recommend.
It was easy. Great bed and very sturdy. The only complaint I have is that it took me 4 hours to build it, however I do have a house full of tiny children that want to help.
Great value. Very sturdy. solved my storage problem for the boxes in the spare room. Dont know if it will ever be a bed but it makes a great storage shelf.
Good. Very sturdy. Great for small children. Tall children probably wouldnt be very comfortable. My 10 year old wasnt comfortable, but his younger brothers love it. Bought trundle to go underneath for sleepovers before I paid attention to picture. With the ladder secured to front a trundle wont work unless ladder removed.
Attractive and strong. Sturdy frame. Grandson loves. Definitely need an 8 or 10 mattress. 6 ones do not look right at all. Assembly took about 2 hours with two people.
My Nephew likes it, I love the bed frame. Perfect for what I needed it. I will not recommed anyone heavier than 200 pounds in either bed. Less than 200 is safe.
Great. Very good. Recommended. Had fun putting this together with my 13/year/old son, we originally bought a much more expensive bed, but it came with missing and incorrect pieces and after that debacle, we decided to go this route as an experiment. You cant beat this for the price / only tools needed are an allen wrench and small crescent wrench / takes around 3 hours to put together and is a little bit of a hasslel given the tiny allen wrench used, but nothing worth griping about.
I was surprised that the paint didnt scratch very much while putting together (really only on the inside areas where there was metal/to/metal contact), a nice matte finish, all pieces were included, no dents, fast shipping, etc.
Highly recommended if you want a nice bunk bed for a cheap price.
LOVE IT, but not good for mobile homes
Easy set up. Will be too tall if you have a mobile home with 7 foot ceilings, but im VERY happy with the design and quality.
Great bunk for my buck.
Cute. I ordered this bunk bed for my kids to replace this old futon bed they were sharing. It was perfect for the size of the room without being too long or too tall. The assembly was very easy although I hit a few bumps in the process by trying to skip the instructions. Definitely read the directions to save on having to redo what you have already done. One thing I do want to add is that some of the slats used to support the mattress were a little off and needed some adjusting to fit from one side to the other. All in all it is very sturdy and perfect for the kids.
Great value! My son loves his big bed
He loves it. Great value! My son loves his big bed. It was easy to put together and a great deal. We bought two of the Zinus Sleep Master 6 inch mattresses to go with it and everything fits perfectly. I highly recommend.
Great bed and very sturdy
It was easy. Great bed and very sturdy. The only complaint I have is that it took me 4 hours to build it, however I do have a house full of tiny children that want to help.
Dont know if it will ever be a bed but it makes a great storage shelf
Great value. Very sturdy. solved my storage problem for the boxes in the spare room. Dont know if it will ever be a bed but it makes a great storage shelf.
Very sturdy. Great for small children
Good. Very sturdy. Great for small children. Tall children probably wouldnt be very comfortable. My 10 year old wasnt comfortable, but his younger brothers love it. Bought trundle to go underneath for sleepovers before I paid attention to picture. With the ladder secured to front a trundle wont work unless ladder removed.
Sturdy frame. Grandson loves
Attractive and strong. Sturdy frame. Grandson loves. Definitely need an 8 or 10 mattress. 6 ones do not look right at all. Assembly took about 2 hours with two people.
Take alittle time to put together but my Girls love it!
I loved it. A+ Take alittle time to put together but my Girls love it!
Great bunk bed
My Nephew likes it, I love the bed frame. Perfect for what I needed it. I will not recommed anyone heavier than 200 pounds in either bed. Less than 200 is safe.
Very nice bed, especially for the price
Great. Very good. Recommended. Had fun putting this together with my 13/year/old son, we originally bought a much more expensive bed, but it came with missing and incorrect pieces and after that debacle, we decided to go this route as an experiment. You cant beat this for the price / only tools needed are an allen wrench and small crescent wrench / takes around 3 hours to put together and is a little bit of a hasslel given the tiny allen wrench used, but nothing worth griping about. I was surprised that the paint didnt scratch very much while putting together (really only on the inside areas where there was metal/to/metal contact), a nice matte finish, all pieces were included, no dents, fast shipping, etc. Highly recommended if you want a nice bunk bed for a cheap price.
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