Sturdy and good value for the cost. I wanted a low bunk bed so my 4 year old wouldnt get hurt
Jumping off of it or hit her head on the ceiling and this bed is perfect. I love it. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
I love everything about this bed, its low enough so my 3 year old can get in and out without worry and my 4 year old can climb to the top bunk easily, the one thing I didnt think of was making the beds on a bed with no legs, its a little tough to make the bed properly but all in all totally worth the money, I assembled it myself and my little ones are so happy with their bunk bed. Bless your hearts.
Perfect for 5 year old twin granddaughters. Not too high and easy to assemble (2 hours). They love it!! Top bunk easy to reach to make bed without climbing up As described and easy to set up.
I got these for my 7 and 9 year old boys, and they love them, though they do wish they were standard height bunk beds. I opted for the low ones though, because I KNOW my boys will jump from the top bunk when given half a chance, and they have. Ha! The bed is super sturdy / my 64 240 lb husband can even lay in the bottom bunk to tuck them in! Ostensibly he could fit in the top one too, but he hasnt! Ha! GREAT bed / totally worth the money. Took two people to assemble, but was straightforward. Highly recommend. I like it.
This Is Perfect! my 4.5 year old is excited to be on top and the bottom bed is basically on the floor (Montessori style) for my 18 month old Well worth the purchase.
Very well made bunk beds my kids love them. They need to include a bumper for the pole that runs under the top bunk! Had to make our own after some bad bumps. Overall very happy! Beautiful!!
Great for small rooms, good value
Sturdy and good value for the cost. I wanted a low bunk bed so my 4 year old wouldnt get hurt Jumping off of it or hit her head on the ceiling and this bed is perfect. I love it. Easy to assemble. Very sturdy.
Great bed
Great bed, worth the money! Buy it again.
Very easy to assemble, just the right hight for the little ones
My girls love it Thanks.
Kids love it but the ladder broke off
The ladder broke off after about a month Best purchase yet!
Awesome for my toddler girls!
I love everything about this bed, its low enough so my 3 year old can get in and out without worry and my 4 year old can climb to the top bunk easily, the one thing I didnt think of was making the beds on a bed with no legs, its a little tough to make the bed properly but all in all totally worth the money, I assembled it myself and my little ones are so happy with their bunk bed. Bless your hearts.
Sturdy and perfect height.
Perfect for 5 year old twin granddaughters. Not too high and easy to assemble (2 hours). They love it!! Top bunk easy to reach to make bed without climbing up As described and easy to set up.
Great low bunks
I got these for my 7 and 9 year old boys, and they love them, though they do wish they were standard height bunk beds. I opted for the low ones though, because I KNOW my boys will jump from the top bunk when given half a chance, and they have. Ha! The bed is super sturdy / my 64 240 lb husband can even lay in the bottom bunk to tuck them in! Ostensibly he could fit in the top one too, but he hasnt! Ha! GREAT bed / totally worth the money. Took two people to assemble, but was straightforward. Highly recommend. I like it.
Good bed
Great product Assembly is very easy.
Perfect Solution For A Shared Bedroom
This Is Perfect! my 4.5 year old is excited to be on top and the bottom bed is basically on the floor (Montessori style) for my 18 month old Well worth the purchase.
Well made bunk beds!
Very well made bunk beds my kids love them. They need to include a bumper for the pole that runs under the top bunk! Had to make our own after some bad bumps. Overall very happy! Beautiful!!
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