The bed is nice for a guest bedroom, but not so much for everyday use. Its not as sturdy as it could be and I dont know if it would hold up well if used everyday.
The frame came missing two of the center leg supports, as well as the wood screws it said it came with. So my daughter is sleeping on a mattress on the floor until I can figure out how to get the pieces asap from the company. But now I have to call and deal with that. Very annoying. Also one of the comments said it came with slats and thats the last thing I saw before ordering it. I looked at so many it was hard to keep track of which ones had what. It does NOT come with slats, and the description does say it needs a box spring. I should have looked better but that comment should be deleted. Also, the support beams were poor quality and one had a huge crack. The rest of the frame is solid and nice though, came in great condition. If it came with everything and supports not cracked, the frame itself would get 5 stars.
For the most part, the Allen wrench was just fine. But youll want a drill to screw the panels onto the border of the bed frame.
Instructions are very easy to follow.
Youll definitely need a second person to align the side panel to the top panel. But other than that you can do this by yourself.
Pro tip: when you are finished sliding all of the slats into the black sleeve, and the next step is to screw three metal support beams in the center DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT screw them in tightly. Why? Welp, you have to slide in two other long supporting beams and if that is too tight youll have to go back and loosen them (pain in the $!). You can go back after its put in its place and tighten without a problem.
Other than that easy peasey.
Just what we were looking at a great price It took me a bit to put this together mostly because by myself balancing piece to get it lined up and then getting screws lined up was hard. I ended up recrewing my 6 year old to find me things to put under pieces to help me out. It did say 2 was needed but widow life here say that isnt an option so I did it alone and I got it done. It took about the ETA the book said not much longer. I would say the longest part was the slats and if you really wanted something more durable then the thin wood a metal Bunkie board bed could also be used as a bottom platform for even more stability.
I did end up getting 4 risers though as t was a bit to low for me to be able to fit my storage bins under the bed as is.
It wont disappoint! I purchased this for my 11 year old son. It was okay enough to sleep on but when it came to taking off the cover to wash, I couldnt get the seperate foam pieces back inside the mattress cover. I expected to be able to pull it back on in one go but it was more of a hassle having the foam mattress plus foam mattress topper.
Nice for a guest bedroom, not so much for everyday use.
The bed is nice for a guest bedroom, but not so much for everyday use. Its not as sturdy as it could be and I dont know if it would hold up well if used everyday.
Good deal for the price.
Good bed frame for the price. Got it for my 9 yrs daugther. It look nice. A little shaky.
Nice frame, missing support pieces
The frame came missing two of the center leg supports, as well as the wood screws it said it came with. So my daughter is sleeping on a mattress on the floor until I can figure out how to get the pieces asap from the company. But now I have to call and deal with that. Very annoying. Also one of the comments said it came with slats and thats the last thing I saw before ordering it. I looked at so many it was hard to keep track of which ones had what. It does NOT come with slats, and the description does say it needs a box spring. I should have looked better but that comment should be deleted. Also, the support beams were poor quality and one had a huge crack. The rest of the frame is solid and nice though, came in great condition. If it came with everything and supports not cracked, the frame itself would get 5 stars.
Incredibly sturdy bed! It was super easy to set up ...
Incredibly sturdy bed! It was super easy to set up by myself, the colors are true to the picture, and it came very fast. Love this bed!!
2 person job recommended
For the most part, the Allen wrench was just fine. But youll want a drill to screw the panels onto the border of the bed frame. Instructions are very easy to follow. Youll definitely need a second person to align the side panel to the top panel. But other than that you can do this by yourself. Pro tip: when you are finished sliding all of the slats into the black sleeve, and the next step is to screw three metal support beams in the center DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT screw them in tightly. Why? Welp, you have to slide in two other long supporting beams and if that is too tight youll have to go back and loosen them (pain in the $!). You can go back after its put in its place and tighten without a problem. Other than that easy peasey.
Easy at first
Started off easy but it was difficult for me to screw the slats into the bed frame
Assembled by 1 1/4
Just what we were looking at a great price It took me a bit to put this together mostly because by myself balancing piece to get it lined up and then getting screws lined up was hard. I ended up recrewing my 6 year old to find me things to put under pieces to help me out. It did say 2 was needed but widow life here say that isnt an option so I did it alone and I got it done. It took about the ETA the book said not much longer. I would say the longest part was the slats and if you really wanted something more durable then the thin wood a metal Bunkie board bed could also be used as a bottom platform for even more stability. I did end up getting 4 risers though as t was a bit to low for me to be able to fit my storage bins under the bed as is.
Not the worst, Not the best
It wont disappoint! I purchased this for my 11 year old son. It was okay enough to sleep on but when it came to taking off the cover to wash, I couldnt get the seperate foam pieces back inside the mattress cover. I expected to be able to pull it back on in one go but it was more of a hassle having the foam mattress plus foam mattress topper.
Simple but Cute
Perfect for what I wanted Got this bed for my new boho themed room and it is soook cute Im absolutely obsessed with the simplicity and design
Great purchase!
Glad I found what I wanted Easy to put together, really love the base that holds the mattress, just not wooden slats!
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