really love this bed frame. i went with the lower option while assembling. its really sturdy and pretty. its a bit squeaky though so Im trying to figure out where i can tighten or adjust somehow, but its not bad. i was able to put it together on my own in about 40 mins!
This frame is easy to assemble and very sturdy. Upon arrival the box is quite heavy however after opening I was able to easily carry each piece down the stairs with ease. The included directions are very easy to follow and while I could have assembled this frame solo my 7 year old offered assistance. After assembly I suggest placing a slider under each foot just in case it needs to be moved it can be done easily.
Easy to assemble! I did it by myself in an hour. Sturdy. I would recommend using the lower setting for a large mattress. A lower center of gravity will make it more sturdy for a king or queen. Been sleeping on it a couple months now and its great.
Missing part. Hoping I can just get the part sent to me. If not its going to be a hassle repacking and sending. Its very heavy.
Seller sent me missing part.
Love the frame.
This bed frame is almost perfect! It was easy to assemble, looks super cute, but the only thing I wish it had were multiple headboard heights. If you dont have a platform mattress, the headboard is too short and you wont be able to see it. I still love the look of if, but just something to keep in mind as it looks pretty high in the picture.
Beautiful bed/a little squeeky.
The bed has a beautiful finish to it. It seems to be a little noisy when I toss and turn a little, but maybe bolts need tightening?
looks great! i love it.
really love this bed frame. i went with the lower option while assembling. its really sturdy and pretty. its a bit squeaky though so Im trying to figure out where i can tighten or adjust somehow, but its not bad. i was able to put it together on my own in about 40 mins!
Bed frame
Easy One Person Assembly
This frame is easy to assemble and very sturdy. Upon arrival the box is quite heavy however after opening I was able to easily carry each piece down the stairs with ease. The included directions are very easy to follow and while I could have assembled this frame solo my 7 year old offered assistance. After assembly I suggest placing a slider under each foot just in case it needs to be moved it can be done easily.
King size...
Easy to assemble! I did it by myself in an hour. Sturdy. I would recommend using the lower setting for a large mattress. A lower center of gravity will make it more sturdy for a king or queen. Been sleeping on it a couple months now and its great.
Good bed frame at a reasonable price.
This is really a great bed frame. Sturdy and Definitely worth the money!! Id recommend this frame. I installed it myself in about an hour and a half.
Missing part got replaced
Missing part. Hoping I can just get the part sent to me. If not its going to be a hassle repacking and sending. Its very heavy. Update Seller sent me missing part. Love the frame.
CUTE! Measure your mattress height first though.
This bed frame is almost perfect! It was easy to assemble, looks super cute, but the only thing I wish it had were multiple headboard heights. If you dont have a platform mattress, the headboard is too short and you wont be able to see it. I still love the look of if, but just something to keep in mind as it looks pretty high in the picture.
Awesome Bed
Feels very sturdy , great finish on the rails.
Sturdy enough King Size
I thought the metal tubes could be heavier but, they were good.
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