These chairs were easy to assemble. The first set was damaged and I received a replacement which was fine; the chairs look nice and seemed comfortable initially. I am using the chairs in my home office, so comfort is essential. They worked well enough for 6 months or so. but now they are most uncomfortable and there is no cushion to speak of. I am starting to look for new chairs.
Hand test each screw entry. (Threads to align properly) Clear all screw connections before starting.
If chair will be used on a wood floor, remove the round feet that have been added. (Not an easy task!)
It would have been better if these feet were left off and felt pads installed by the customer.
Bought these dining chairs a few months ago and they have performed excellently. Love the look to add some class to our dining room. They are comfortable with the high backs, good for my tall husband.
Bought these dining chairs a few months ago and they have performed excellently. Love the look to add some class to our dining room. They are comfortable with the high backs, good for my tall husband.
The chairs are pretty sturdy. They are not easy to assemble at all and Im very handy. As others have mentioned the seat cushions are weird! Its like bed springs with a padding over the top that is too small. Think of a toad stool and thats pretty close. They are not particularly uncomfortable just weird. All in all they are worth the money but I wouldnt pay more for them.
The chairs are pretty sturdy. They are not easy to assemble at all and Im very handy. As others have mentioned the seat cushions are weird! Its like bed springs with a padding over the top that is too small. Think of a toad stool and thats pretty close. They are not particularly uncomfortable just weird. All in all they are worth the money but I wouldnt pay more for them.
They are good quality and easy to assemble. The color is great. I really love them. I kind of wish they were darker wood color legs but thats an opinion. However I believe they can be painted.
I love these chairs, I know they are dining chairs, but Im using them as accent chairs. It makes my apartment look so elegant and cozy. Easy assemble, sturdy and comfortable. Great for the price.
Not comfortable after a little use
These chairs were easy to assemble. The first set was damaged and I received a replacement which was fine; the chairs look nice and seemed comfortable initially. I am using the chairs in my home office, so comfort is essential. They worked well enough for 6 months or so. but now they are most uncomfortable and there is no cushion to speak of. I am starting to look for new chairs.
High quality, well made and very comfortable.
Hand test each screw entry. (Threads to align properly) Clear all screw connections before starting. If chair will be used on a wood floor, remove the round feet that have been added. (Not an easy task!) It would have been better if these feet were left off and felt pads installed by the customer.
Love them!!
Great chairs! Worth it! Look great!
Beautiful Dining Chairs
Bought these dining chairs a few months ago and they have performed excellently. Love the look to add some class to our dining room. They are comfortable with the high backs, good for my tall husband.
Beautiful Dining Chairs
Bought these dining chairs a few months ago and they have performed excellently. Love the look to add some class to our dining room. They are comfortable with the high backs, good for my tall husband.
Seems Sturdy
The chairs are pretty sturdy. They are not easy to assemble at all and Im very handy. As others have mentioned the seat cushions are weird! Its like bed springs with a padding over the top that is too small. Think of a toad stool and thats pretty close. They are not particularly uncomfortable just weird. All in all they are worth the money but I wouldnt pay more for them.
Padding is awkward and hard, legs were not the same color
They look nice but theyre not comfortable and the legs are white not tan.
Seems Sturdy
The chairs are pretty sturdy. They are not easy to assemble at all and Im very handy. As others have mentioned the seat cushions are weird! Its like bed springs with a padding over the top that is too small. Think of a toad stool and thats pretty close. They are not particularly uncomfortable just weird. All in all they are worth the money but I wouldnt pay more for them.
Good material, easy to assemble
They are good quality and easy to assemble. The color is great. I really love them. I kind of wish they were darker wood color legs but thats an opinion. However I believe they can be painted.
Great chairs!
I love these chairs, I know they are dining chairs, but Im using them as accent chairs. It makes my apartment look so elegant and cozy. Easy assemble, sturdy and comfortable. Great for the price.
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