All 4 chairs were very wobbly. Screw bags opened as if someone previously received and returned. Screw holes did not line up. Screws in bags were mixed with incorrect sizing; seller could have placed random screws inside to replace lost ones. Overall, horrible!
I really like the color and style of the chairs. However it took a long time to assemble 6 chairs and we had to go out and buy a new bolt as one was stripped and wouldnt grip.
The buttons are just a shade off a straight line, but all in all these are a good value for the money and look nice.
I really like the color and style of the chairs. However it took a long time to assemble 6 chairs and we had to go out and buy a new bolt as one was stripped and wouldnt grip.
The buttons are just a shade off a straight line, but all in all these are a good value for the money and look nice.
Chairs are easy to assemble. Comfort level is decent. One of the chairs came out of the box with a dime size black stain, looked like ink but not sure. Didnt bother to attempt return as I plan to use slipcovers.
If youre looking for nice yet extremely cheap furniture
All 4 chairs were very wobbly. Screw bags opened as if someone previously received and returned. Screw holes did not line up. Screws in bags were mixed with incorrect sizing; seller could have placed random screws inside to replace lost ones. Overall, horrible!
Great lol and great price
We are pleasantly surprised with how nice the chairs are. Easy to assemble and sturdy. Looks great too.
Great lol and great price
We are pleasantly surprised with how nice the chairs are. Easy to assemble and sturdy. Looks great too.
Difficult to assemble
I really like the color and style of the chairs. However it took a long time to assemble 6 chairs and we had to go out and buy a new bolt as one was stripped and wouldnt grip. The buttons are just a shade off a straight line, but all in all these are a good value for the money and look nice.
Difficult to assemble
I really like the color and style of the chairs. However it took a long time to assemble 6 chairs and we had to go out and buy a new bolt as one was stripped and wouldnt grip. The buttons are just a shade off a straight line, but all in all these are a good value for the money and look nice.
Not worth the money.
Disgustingly cheap and small.
Easy assembly but stained
Chairs are easy to assemble. Comfort level is decent. One of the chairs came out of the box with a dime size black stain, looked like ink but not sure. Didnt bother to attempt return as I plan to use slipcovers.
not comfortable
The chairs look well built and comfortable but are. there is almost no padding in the seat
Affordable, cute and super easy to assemble
I love them. They are comfortable, sturdy and so easy to assemble.
Affordable, cute and super easy to assemble
I love them. They are comfortable, sturdy and so easy to assemble.
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