This is a great bed for the price. It came well packed with no damage and on time. The assembly instructions were clear and all the parts were there. It feels sturdy and is very attractive with a traditional look.
My 89-year-old mom wanted an Early American style bed. This fit the bill, though we ended up using only the headboard because she wanted a dust ruffle which wont work with the sides.
Its good value for the price. Sturdy. The darker brown frame part is made with proper dimensions, though the finish is a little rough around the screw holes. The lighter wood for the planks is weaker, and made with soft springy wood. Its not really cut to dimensions that sit flush from end to end resulting in various gaps less then half an inch on the side. So, the craftsmanship is not top notch and just a disappointment, but the bed frame is good enough that once you put a mattress on it, you have no issue using it.
I love this bed!
Affordable and very nice! I bought this for my 12-year old daughter and she loves it! It was easy to put together and really is beautiful!
Nice looking bed. Seems very sturdy--more so than metal beds.
You will need an electric driver to assemble the bed--theres no way your fingers would have the strength to use the included tool to assemble it.
Good quality
Beautiful bed. Good quality and wood color. Perfect for a teen girl.
Timeless quality
This classic looking bed is perfect for my sons room.
This bad is nice
Very nice bad my son love this bad look very nice
Sturdy and attractive, easy assembly.
This is a great bed for the price. It came well packed with no damage and on time. The assembly instructions were clear and all the parts were there. It feels sturdy and is very attractive with a traditional look.
Hard to find Early American style
My 89-year-old mom wanted an Early American style bed. This fit the bill, though we ended up using only the headboard because she wanted a dust ruffle which wont work with the sides.
Good structure and craftmanship
Easy to assemble came in two shipment
Its good value for the price
Its good value for the price. Sturdy. The darker brown frame part is made with proper dimensions, though the finish is a little rough around the screw holes. The lighter wood for the planks is weaker, and made with soft springy wood. Its not really cut to dimensions that sit flush from end to end resulting in various gaps less then half an inch on the side. So, the craftsmanship is not top notch and just a disappointment, but the bed frame is good enough that once you put a mattress on it, you have no issue using it.
Easy to put together
Real wood. Very strong. Easy to put together.
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