Its good value for the price. Sturdy. The darker brown frame part is made with proper dimensions, though the finish is a little rough around the screw holes. The lighter wood for the planks is weaker, and made with soft springy wood. Its not really cut to dimensions that sit flush from end to end resulting in various gaps less then half an inch on the side. So, the craftsmanship is not top notch and just a disappointment, but the bed frame is good enough that once you put a mattress on it, you have no issue using it.
Its good value for the price
Its good value for the price. Sturdy. The darker brown frame part is made with proper dimensions, though the finish is a little rough around the screw holes. The lighter wood for the planks is weaker, and made with soft springy wood. Its not really cut to dimensions that sit flush from end to end resulting in various gaps less then half an inch on the side. So, the craftsmanship is not top notch and just a disappointment, but the bed frame is good enough that once you put a mattress on it, you have no issue using it.