Great quality mountain bike. It is tall and the tires are a little thicker that my other 2 mountain bikes. I like the improved shimano speed changing handle gears. The manual is for multiple versions of bikes so it can get somewhat confusing when putting together as some parts are already assemble while others are not and the instructions dont include them.large instruction booklet with maintenance tips.
It took be a little over an hour to assemble (and disassemble at times) to finally having a working bike.
I purchased this bike a little over six months ago and have put a handful of miles on it since then. It has held up quite well and is a solid bike given the price range. I am 62 and the bike is on the tall side of a good fit. My roommate, who also uses the bike occasionally, is 61 and it fits him about as well.
My only real complaint is the front tire was damaged during shipping and arrived mildly warped. The damage was not enough to warrant me returning the bike, but it will mean the tire and breaks will wear faster than usual and eventually need to be replaced.
Overall, the bike is precisely what I was looking for and has been a satisfying purchase.
The front brake wasnt braking halfway through like it should be, tried everything to fixed it with no luck, back one was great, fast forward 2 1/2 weeks and braking system isnt great, have to squeeze brake fully to brake at a slow pace and now the left peddle fell off.
Our grandson got this for his birthday. My husband rode it and found it would do very nicely for rugged Northwoods trails. So one has been ordered for grandpa!
If you have mechanical aptitude then this is fairly easy to assemble. The only things that need to be attached are the handlebars, the seat, front wheel and the set post. the rest is preassembled. You will need a few tools like allen wrenches to attach most of the parts and a open box wrench to install the pedals.
Nice color, great quality bike.
Great quality mountain bike. It is tall and the tires are a little thicker that my other 2 mountain bikes. I like the improved shimano speed changing handle gears. The manual is for multiple versions of bikes so it can get somewhat confusing when putting together as some parts are already assemble while others are not and the instructions dont include them.large instruction booklet with maintenance tips. It took be a little over an hour to assemble (and disassemble at times) to finally having a working bike.
Good Size, Well Made Bike, Mild Damage On Shipping
I purchased this bike a little over six months ago and have put a handful of miles on it since then. It has held up quite well and is a solid bike given the price range. I am 62 and the bike is on the tall side of a good fit. My roommate, who also uses the bike occasionally, is 61 and it fits him about as well. My only real complaint is the front tire was damaged during shipping and arrived mildly warped. The damage was not enough to warrant me returning the bike, but it will mean the tire and breaks will wear faster than usual and eventually need to be replaced. Overall, the bike is precisely what I was looking for and has been a satisfying purchase.
Well built sturdy bike
Came on time, easy assembly, the brakes are awesome.
Great Bike
My 10 year old daughter loves this bike! The colors are really cool it rides great!
Brakes and peddle system fail
The front brake wasnt braking halfway through like it should be, tried everything to fixed it with no luck, back one was great, fast forward 2 1/2 weeks and braking system isnt great, have to squeeze brake fully to brake at a slow pace and now the left peddle fell off.
My husband rode it and found it would do very nicely for rugged Northwoods trails
Our grandson got this for his birthday. My husband rode it and found it would do very nicely for rugged Northwoods trails. So one has been ordered for grandpa!
There is some assembly to be done
If you have mechanical aptitude then this is fairly easy to assemble. The only things that need to be attached are the handlebars, the seat, front wheel and the set post. the rest is preassembled. You will need a few tools like allen wrenches to attach most of the parts and a open box wrench to install the pedals.
It was delivered ahead of schedule and it was assembled withiut a hitch.
This bike was purchased for a 12 year old boy and rides a bike a bit rough, and he just loves his new bike.
Kind of expensive
Pretty good bike for my son. Expensive for what it is. I blame covid
Easy to assemble
Awesome bike. Great design and durable.
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