We were looking for a bike for our nine year old daughter that wasnt girly and pink and this was bike was perfect! Great quality bike that will grow with her as she gets older!
Im usually one of the dudes that just snags a bike at walmart or something but, usually within a year or so I get tired of them and they start to have issues. I decided to shop around on .
Mine was only a little more expensive than usual but, Ive been impressed with everything about it. In fact, I keep thinking it was more expensive. Its light, and fast . I hit 22mph the other night and all I was doing was racing my daughter down the bike trail.
Assembly literally takes . 3 minutes? Maybe? I guess if you have to pressurize the tires with a hand pump itll take a 10 minutes.
Uhm . seat probably isnt great for people who spend a long time sitting while riding. I like to stand quite a bit. Its still adequate for sitting.
The bike is a good value for the money. It was easy to assemble, the brakes take a little work. Im 63, the 27.5/18 is too small for anyone over 60 unless you purchase a longer seat pole. I purchased a 17.5 pole and it works fine.
The bike rides well and the gears switch easy. I dont ride far and I only on roads. I dont know if the bike would hold up to a lot of trail riding.
Love the color and daughter was e voted to use it. My husband had a hard time assembling and ended up taking it to a local shop to get everything just how it should be. The gears were more complex than expected to put together for us.
Excellent except missing seat post bolt.
This is a nice bike, nice color and easy build. Though it was missing seat post bolt that required me to goto my local bike shop to complete.
Great bike for the money.
Great bike for the price range. Easy to put together. Rides great, shifts easily. No issues at all.
I love my bike.
I love everything about my bike. Its beautiful, sturdy, well build. I enjoy riding it.
Daughter loves this bike
We were looking for a bike for our nine year old daughter that wasnt girly and pink and this was bike was perfect! Great quality bike that will grow with her as she gets older!
Great beginning bike to start with
Have put over 1k miles on and been happy with it.
Easy to assemble. Nice for price
Easy to assemble. Nice bike for the price. Im 5 and the size is good for me. Brakes are difficult for me to grip.
Best bike Ive ever
Im usually one of the dudes that just snags a bike at walmart or something but, usually within a year or so I get tired of them and they start to have issues. I decided to shop around on . Mine was only a little more expensive than usual but, Ive been impressed with everything about it. In fact, I keep thinking it was more expensive. Its light, and fast . I hit 22mph the other night and all I was doing was racing my daughter down the bike trail. Assembly literally takes . 3 minutes? Maybe? I guess if you have to pressurize the tires with a hand pump itll take a 10 minutes. Uhm . seat probably isnt great for people who spend a long time sitting while riding. I like to stand quite a bit. Its still adequate for sitting.
Good Value
The bike is a good value for the money. It was easy to assemble, the brakes take a little work. Im 63, the 27.5/18 is too small for anyone over 60 unless you purchase a longer seat pole. I purchased a 17.5 pole and it works fine. The bike rides well and the gears switch easy. I dont ride far and I only on roads. I dont know if the bike would hold up to a lot of trail riding.
Beautiful colors/ didnt expect it to be in a box though. Lol ooops
Love the color and daughter was e voted to use it. My husband had a hard time assembling and ended up taking it to a local shop to get everything just how it should be. The gears were more complex than expected to put together for us.
Good bike
Good bike.
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